Batista`s posts about Irish work

LOL probably will,


tommy t:
What’s the name of the account? as when i asked within my local branch they didn’t offer any info? i’ll have a look online

whats the name of the account? what are you nigerian :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
please send me your name and account number i can transfer the money very quickly, your friend king jumba :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
sorry couldn’t resist :blush:

no sir i’m George calling from,… too much fonejacker i tink

are you still on this windup? a tag ie severn tag dart tag, have you never even crossed the severn bridge or dartford crossing :open_mouth: :open_mouth: l

Yes many of times
But I have a proper name for things like
batista - batty
sterling- pound
and CRM - what ever the [zb] it dose

a frejus mont blanc card pays for frejus or mont blanc, if you don’t know what the mont blanc is you should really have paid more attention to the geography teacher in school

They didint teach things like that at school in geography when i wasa there
it was all to do with the theretical bull [zb] science that we will never use in the real world; like what the core of the earth is made of and rock formentation

the earths core and rock formation is GEOLOGY, geography would have taught you that mont blanc is a big mountain in europe.
so what is your proper name for a tag then? seeing as the correct term is tag?
have you ever actually driven a truck before because i’ve never met someone who doesn’t know what a fuel card or tag is, maybe you should cut your teeth on uk work first so you get to know what’s what.
as for CMR’s they even use them in the uk on containers they are international delivery notes

What about the post office travel money cards,you can top them up,or the boss will,in euro/dollar/gbp,also there is the travellex card,that you can top up.

Battys comment about the Dutch firms make you wear clogs made me laugh,keep it coming Bat`s.I may employ him as my main driver,or the lead driver.750 euros a week ok?Compass is in the side locker.

Compass is in the side locker.

whats a compass?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Compass is in the side locker.

whats a compass?

I hope it is not too close to the gearbox magnet

I think when i was at nolans (same time as luke’s dad) we had about 12 cards,
routex, dkv, shell, solred, ressa, caplis (remember them?), as24, via (italy), eurotraffic, and some specific ones for ireland and uk.
after a couple of years if they trusted you they gave you a company visa card for the fines :laughing: :laughing: but i think thats stopped now.
as for the bloke driving a 620 but no fuel cards i’d rather a lesser truck and not have to pay for anything myself.

The IRU and ÄŒesmad Slovakia are trying to get EU agreement on a single OBU that will work in every country, they presented this windscreen to Ministers in Brussels to show the number of electronic tags and wifi devices that block up the drivers view

I used to use a compass when loading in a farm field in the middle of the countryside of Spain,or the wine fields near Bordeaux (Bord =next to or by,Eaux = water,or by the water town,dull but true.)
You can be lost for days,run out of provisions,and perish,cue=shame you did not get lost Tobby.

yer I spread muck once with a massy fergi
didint have any of these fancy new things what did you call them