Basque police uniforms

Was asking how the bright red berets and uniform became that colour.Guarda civil,green milatary green,like DPM.And Navarra police,again a different style and design.Dictators in Spain were Franco and Antonio Salazar in Portugal,ruled for 30 years,give or take,talking to strangers was not allowed,and people vanished and tortured.

I think you have your wires just a little bit crossed, neither of those points raised above has anything at all to do with the other

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Just a little bit…I quite look forward to any new posts from Toby, you never know what you are going to get or WTF they are supposed to mean!! :laughing: :wink:

Keep posting Toby :wink: :wink:

They do look very smart.Gendarmes have knee length leather boots.And Guarda have the same.

I have sat in Salazars limo,it was stored in a warehouse,that was by the airport in Lisboa,the owner had a cement mixer business,that he used as a front for the tax authorities,and hidden away was a thriving classic car import/export business,old racing cars etc.He would drive high performance cars through the night all over europe,so not get done for speeding and less controls at night.The Portuguese were fearfull of this dictactor.

The the Ertzaintza was formed in 1982 & trained in GB . The traffic unit was also formed at the same time &trained by the German police. It was a sad day for us when the Guarda Civil handed over . The old time cops would take a drop .The new boys were straight & very expensive! It was Deutchland all over again.

Too right Harry,offering “Coffee money” was standard currency,a few hours over,no one really bothered about it.Porkys were running trucks with coach differentials,go faster,until the speed did not match the radar and tacho speed on the card.Cherbourg was Douanes,asking for coffee money.Pinocio,was a c.nt.Gendarme biker wait for us on the hill.Happy days.No fun now.

The the Ertzaintza was formed in 1982 & trained in GB . The traffic unit was also formed at the same time &trained by the German police. It was a sad day for us when the Guarda Civil handed over . The old time cops would take a drop .The new boys were straight & very expensive! It was Deutchland all over again.

the bit about the Germans is correct

but the Ertzainza was not trained in GB all training was and still is done very close to Vitoria

Vasco,did the GNR in Portugal get trained in Alemania too.Ive had some run ins with them,sat there,refused to pay,made out a fictious truck ban,holiday,with trucks going past.Would throw a bag of broken glass down on the passenger floor,pull the fuse out for the window,and say,got broken in to,papers stolen,they asked for a police report,i say no time,boss said go on.Worked wonders until you meet the same copper.Basque astutely asked how i got to where i was,as his family did the same route in his caravan,he say no possible.

The GNR have been around nearly as long as the Guardia Civil under various guises

the only reason the Basques went to Germany for traffic police training is that it was/is not politically prudent to ask the Guardia Civil to train them when the basic is/was that they replace the Guardia Civil


The the Ertzaintza was formed in 1982 & trained in GB . The traffic unit was also formed at the same time &trained by the German police. It was a sad day for us when the Guarda Civil handed over . The old time cops would take a drop .The new boys were straight & very expensive! It was Deutchland all over again.

the bit about the Germans is correct

but the Ertzainza was not trained in GB all training was and still is done very close to Vitoria

The bit about 'trained in Britain is on this page: … &ct=result



The the Ertzaintza was formed in 1982 & trained in GB . The traffic unit was also formed at the same time &trained by the German police. It was a sad day for us when the Guarda Civil handed over . The old time cops would take a drop .The new boys were straight & very expensive! It was Deutchland all over again.

the bit about the Germans is correct

but the Ertzainza was not trained in GB all training was and still is done very close to Vitoria

The bit about 'trained in Britain is on this page: … &ct=result

That is as maybe but in the book handed out to the Ertzainza trainees it is not true
How do I know ? I have 2 in the wifes family one of which has been serving more than 20 years




The the Ertzaintza was formed in 1982 & trained in GB . The traffic unit was also formed at the same time &trained by the German police. It was a sad day for us when the Guarda Civil handed over . The old time cops would take a drop .The new boys were straight & very expensive! It was Deutchland all over again.

the bit about the Germans is correct

but the Ertzainza was not trained in GB all training was and still is done very close to Vitoria

The bit about 'trained in Britain is on this page: … &ct=result

That is as maybe but in the book handed out to the Ertzainza trainees it is not true
How do I know ? I have 2 in the wifes family one of which has been serving more than 20 years

Then let it lie ; I hate the little zedwords anyway !( except you & yours )
I can only say that when I am thru cherrypicker country I am happy.

They are not that bad really it is just like with the Germans black is black and white is white, grey does not exist :unamused:

Theones in red up by Pamplona are the worst imho they will keep looking until they find something

Cherry berries always on last peage before Irun,and at the bottom of steep hill before Sunbilla,and on first peage south of Pamplona.Have you seen the size and modern design of the police station,on San Sebastions motorway,or just off it,must hace cost millions.Looks like a silver space ship.Get nicked,but they wont let you park outside to hand the cash over.Park by supermarket on street below and walk up the hill.

I know they wear berets most of the time but what’s the story with those BIG stupid red hats they somtimes wear??


To store the bocadilos under the hat,keep them warm when pulling wagons over. :wink:

Cherry berries always on last peage before Irun,and at the bottom of steep hill before Sunbilla,and on first peage south of Pamplona.

two ocmpletely different police forces there, Navarra which has Pamplona as it´s capital has it´s own police force known as Forales who also wear red berets but have nothing at all to do with the Ertzainza