Bannister Thread

Once again Rikki rides to the rescue of an apparently poor employer…!!!

I thought this forum was “By Drivers, for Drivers”?

If we can’t share honest opinions or experiences on the board then what is the point of it?

As the thread was contributed to by people who know people CURRENTLY working there then i think the comments are fair. There were posts from ex-employees who’s experience was 2 years old. If it were these alone then removing the thread is understandable.

It really is quite simple- if a complaint about user generated content is received- as a publishing company we have a responsibility to deal with it in a manner that protects the company, the complainant and the person making the comments. At present that involves removing the content from public view while it is reviewed and if required legal advice taken.

Once that has taken place the post will either
a) be reinstated in full
b) be edited to remove any potentially damaging content and be reinstated
c) permanently removed

As has been stated on here previously we will be putting into place policies that give us as forum owners protection under the new defamation act 2014, and throws the responsibility for posts onto the poster, however those systems are not yet fully in place and until they are we will continue with the same policy that has kept us out of court for over 10 years - namely we remove the content for review and take advice.

Now if you don’t mind I am going back to enjoying what was a nice week off work with my family- I am back at my desk on Monday and will respond to any comments/moans/winges then :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Are you saying that someone complained about the thread?

Are you saying that someone complained about the thread?

Don’t try and live up to your user name !!! :laughing:


Are you saying that someone complained about the thread?

Don’t try and live up to your user name !!! :laughing:

Simple enough question…why the abusive reply?



Are you saying that someone complained about the thread?

Don’t try and live up to your user name !!! :laughing:

Simple enough question…why the abusive reply?

It was a simple tounge in cheek comment, if you spot abuse hit the report button and a moderator will deal with it.
Yes, i’m saying hit the report button if you spot abuse.

Are you saying that someone complained about the thread?

As the tongue-in-cheek reply just made a WHOOSH as it went over :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Are you saying that someone complained about the thread?

That doesn’t actually make any difference, because anything that’s potentially damaging has to be removed until proper verification is provided.

Speaking in very general terms, the “victim” of a rumour might not read or even be aware of TN themselves, but that doesn’t detract from the very real damage that rumours can do to a company.


Are you saying that someone complained about the thread?

That doesn’t actually make any difference, because anything that’s potentially damaging has to be removed until proper verification is provided.

Speaking in very general terms, the “victim” of a rumour might not read or even be aware of TN themselves, but that doesn’t detract from the very real damage that rumours can do to a company.

However, someone posting their own direct experience is not rumour.

However, someone posting their own direct experience is not rumour.

It is rumour if it is said by an anonymous person without providing any proof what they say actually happened/is happening…
After all anyone can (and they do) type any old ■■■■■■■■ that has no foundation in truth firm in the knowledge that at present, we have to take the rap not them

The new Defamation Act changes that, as, if any content is complained, about we can leave it up as long as the person posting it gives us and verifies their full name , address and contact details within a certain period of time and allows us to pass that information onto the complainant so they can take any appropriate action they feel is needed.

Once our new systems are in place that is what we will be instituting as policy.

Much better for us, and if what is posted is true then no-one will mind giving us their details so they can be sued instead of us.
Much better for you- as under the act the complainant will have to show in court that what you posted caused serious harm to their business

If the member here refuses to pass on their details to us, under the act we have to remove the content, if they give us their details but don’t want them passed onto the complainant we can put the content back up and await the court order that means we have to pass on the members details

Its actually a lot more complicated than that with various strict time limits for things to happen- but basically once we have this set up- you will get sued rather than us, and if you don’t have the courage of your convictions over what you posted you cant complain when we remove it

So has the thread been reviewed? Can it be put back uo.

So has the thread been reviewed? Can it be put back uo.

Not until advice has been taken, and not asking for that on a Sunday :wink: :wink: :wink:
Also not officially back at work until tomorrow and have other priorities to sort out first