
Is anyone else getting a problem on this site?

You hit a link to read a post thread, or hit reply in the thread - and a page comes up with a single banner ad on it - and no post! :imp: :imp: :imp:

The ads seem to be “transport” related - so I’m wondering if the site itself is having some issues with it’s banners popping up incorrectly?

The only issue I’m finding is that if I click on a topic when I’m using my phone it sometimes takes me to a link to some spam advert in the App Store.

Nope on my lappy it is fine

I’ll say it again - I click on some posts, and instead of going to the post - I get a blank page with an advert banner on it.

Having now run all the software to strip out any pups in my own system - I have to assume there is an error in the webpage code somewhere.

Mods please be advised…

I’m trying not to be forced off IE and onto my second browser Chrome with adblock already on it. That’ll block the damned lot, and advertising just won’t get through to me at all.” have got some incorrectly-written banners I suspect…

I’m trying not to be forced off IE and onto my second browser Chrome with adblock already on it.


Mods please be advised…

I’m trying not to be forced off IE and onto my second browser Chrome with adblock already on it. That’ll block the damned lot, and advertising just won’t get through to me at all.” have got some incorrectly-written banners I suspect…

I’ve used my iPhone and lappy, but I’ve not had anything like the problem that you’ve described.

:bulb: I think this is one for Rikki-UK to have a look at.

I am getting the same problem but only with Internet Explorer, just a blank page with an ad banner, hitting the backpage arrow brings up the page I wanted to see. Been happening for a couple of weeks now.

You mean like this??

No, like this…

Thats all I get, just the banner, 4 times in last 2 minutes! Looks like the ad banner is hi-jacking the page…
If I click the backpage arrow it goes to the page I wanted, but sometimes it locks IE and I have to reload the page.

It only does it on my Windows Vista PC using Internet Explorer, it’s fine when I use Chrome on the same PC.
Internet Explorer is also OK on my Win7 laptop.

is it always the same ad?

is it always the same ad?

Not always the same ad, just had one for electronic cigs! (and I quit smoking 9 years ago)

The only issue I’m finding is that if I click on a topic when I’m using my phone it sometimes takes me to a link to some spam advert in the App Store.

I get this a lot from trucknet and it does my ■■■■ right in! Trucknet is the only website I get bother with.

No problems with tappa talk
I do on IE but not win10