Bag of glass.Stamped permit expiry

Used to have to get French customs to stamp the permit,trouble was you could only do a few trips on oi before it expires and British International would send me to Portugal and back knowing the permit was out,to combat loss of money and a big fine,i would keep a bag of broken glass handy,to throw down on the passenger floor when i get tugged,they ask for all my papers,of which i would say,not possible,cos of robbers took everything,they ask for the police report to prove the theft,i say no time for that.Once they have got the truck paperwork,is when they got you by the gooleys.I would have to pull the fuse for the window,in case they worked out the glass broken trick.

Very imaginative, a sure-fire way to getting away with it, but surely it would’ve been easier to give them a coffee? I know that in those days any French, Spanish or Portugese police would have rather lined their own pockets than issued a fine, granted the red caps could be troublesome, but the rest of them, no way, still you get 10 points for initiative :wink:

gnr portuguese traffic police used to stop me on a so called holiday ban for trucks while other trucks sailed by.They used to have two receipt books,one for the police boss,one for the driver,the false receipt for the driver,while they pocketed the fine cash.used to be a false weighbridge,calibrated to be out of range and get fine money from foreign drivers.with wood or stone loads and trees,the driver was unaware of his weight while loading in a forest.Villagers that lived near the cops became suspicous that they had expensive cars,holidays,pools,jewelry etc,as the monthly income didnt correspond with the lifestyle of the traffic officers.With overheight jcbs,they said,if jcb pay the fine it would be hundreds of escudoes,but if i bunged em the coffee money it would a lot less,and less time consuming.they had us by the gooleys if they took the truck permits and papers.some drivers were sat for weeks untill the company wired the fines to the police,i have met seasoned eu truckers in tears,held ransom at a cafe or the roadside to pay fines.