Bad Day

I had an accident today. I was trying to turn right down a road with cars parked opposite the junction on my nearside, I couldn’t see far down the road I was turning into because of a building on the corner. I hung back until I could move out past the parked cars and went forward slowly, just as I got in a position to turn a car came along the road I was turning into, wanting to turn left (towards me). There wasn’t enough room for him so I had to reverse clear of the parked cars. Unfortunatly a car had stopped right behind me where I couldn’t see it in my mirrors and I reversed into the front of it. I don’t know what to think of it all now, I realise I should be careful and I was to the best of my ability…maybe I could have made some extra mirror checks previously and seen the car coming up behind me…hindsight is easy though and my concerntration was mainly on making the right turn safely…I hadn’t got to the stage of making a final check before I turned.

I’ve only just gone from vans to class2 (this was a 7.5t, but still) and was getting on nicely, I really don’t know what to think. What could I have done differently? If I can’t see a vehicle that’s very close behind me, am I entirely at fault?

Luckily nobody was injured.


you should have made the car driver in the side road reverse out of your way mate :smiley:
dont let it get to ya,no one was hurt so it`s not so bad.

Always a tough one to call. Did something similar once. The simplest answer is if you’re not sure - jump out and check. But I guess you already know that. It’s always hard to know if someones sneaked up behind you - you can’t watch your mirrors all the time. It’s a pity the driver behind you didn’t toot his horn when your reversing light came on :unamused:

Chalk it up and move on. As you say, nobody was hurt. Unfortunately sugar-happens :frowning:

NO NO NO NO make the car reverse back, your bigger than him if you have to sit there, he will take the hint. Ive done it a few times especially down country lanes, they try to pull to the side so you have to go over the verge which is a big no no round me so I sit in the middle of the road till they move. Remember also if the car thinks he can get round you stop still & stop there. If ote happens to him its his fault because you cant have an accident in a parked truck.

Is it your fault? well your insurance will be paying for it. But remember thats what its for, it was an accident, the driver of the car behind really shouldnt have been that close behind you, but thats what they do.

Not to worry, but next time it might be an idea to get someone to see you back or like you said perhaps if you’re not sure get out and look it costs nothing to be safe :wink: :exclamation:

I’ll go with the ‘sit still’ brigade. It was the apparoaching driver that caused the problem, so apply the parking brake, fold your arms, and wait. They’ll see the light - eventually. :laughing:

Getting out and looking behind is all very well in theory, but in the time taken to walk back to the cab, climb in, select reverse, etc, half a dozen cars could have pulled up behind you.

Why is it the car drivers fault though?

the way it comes accross to me is andy was turning right INTO a road and a car was coming along it so that to me sounds like andy pulled out into oncoming traffic especially if there was cars parked on that road, so to me the oncoming car had the right of way

but on a lighter note [zb] happens dont worry about it andy nobody was hurt and accidents happen


Getting the other car to have moved is something that crossed my mind a lot since I’ve been thinking about it, and it’s a technique I’ve been applying in similar situations previously. I think I know why I didn’t do it as well. This was the first time I’d driven a 7.5 tonner and it was so much more like driving something like a 3.5t luton van or something when compared to some of the Rigid HGVs I’ve been driving, 5 speed box and fairly short wheel base for example…last truck I’d been in was a dirty great 26t Eurotech with a huge body and an 8 speed box…I guess something inside just said ‘this is smaller…I can reverse’.

That sounds really silly I know!

Hopefully it won’t mark my card with my agency too much and I can try and learn from it and improve.

Why is it the car drivers fault though?

the way it comes accross to me is andy was turning right INTO a road and a car was coming along it so that to me sounds like andy pulled out into oncoming traffic especially if there was cars parked on that road, so to me the oncoming car had the right of way

but on a lighter note [zb] happens dont worry about it andy nobody was hurt and accidents happen


I haven’t described it very well, oncoming traffic was clear, the car that I had to reverse for was coming out of the road I wanted to turn into and I didn’t have room to go round him.

Andy you sound like your letting this get you down ?

If so dont its only a minor bump dont let it shatter your confidence mate these things happen


i"f you can’t see my mirrors i can’t see you"

how many t times have you seen that on the back of a truck and people still don’t pay attention.

andy you could have flicked your hazards and your reverse beacon on and that car behind would still have sat there.dont worry about it mate :wink:

as they say [zb] happens :laughing: :wink:


Very similar thing happened to me m8 at least next time u will know what to do/dont do. I was glad however as the car i bumped was a wreck :laughing:

Andy, a serious accident is when you injure someone, or perhaps do monumental damage, such as forceably removing, ah, about 8 steel and concrete bollards, a brand new 500 mile old jag, the back end of a truck and leave a permanent dent in the back end for everyone to point and remember you by… Oh, and all whilst on Agency work :blush:

Practise mate. You’ll learn…

a brand new 500 mile old jag

This was quite a new BMW, and the front was very knackered afterwards.

I’m feeling pretty ok about it all now, and I doubt I’ll do it again anyway.

Agency haven’t given up on me either, working again tomorrow and friday.

Thanks to all for the advice and general comments. :sunglasses:

Very similar thing happened to me m8 at least next time u will know what to do/dont do. I was glad however as the car i bumped was a wreck :laughing:

Well, it was after you’d run over it… :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:



You are obviously young and impressionable! Just wait until you have had a bad year!

Joke aside, calm down, do your job and if idiots get in your way stay calm! if you accidentally hit one of them, then thank your lucky star that it was a fool thinking that you should’nt be where you was in the first place!

This Country needs you!!! problem is some idiots think its you the person who is daft enough to delever the message to the pubilc via newspapers,printed matter etc!!
they all forget that its us fools that do the job for them! via our waggons!

This country would stop without us, its time this country was told!