
I bumped into one of my dads mates at the docks yesturday who worked at avialink. He seemed to be a bit miffed that I only put squeaky and soliderboys name on so heres a few more lads who worked for them.

Laurie Adams
Keith Foster
Kevin Williams
Billy PLUS
Bob McSeveney
Bob Bowker
Andy Pepper
Mike Turner ( Soliderboy)
Keith McSeveney
Don Mclealan (Baghouse Don)
RIP Dana
Eric Deluice
Stuart McSeveney
RIP John Charnley (Squeeky)
John Keatly
Marcus Muir

Anyone who knows them put up a post

Heres a pic of one of the 1st scanias 143 450v8 topline

With thanks to keith Foster for the pic, more pcs will be posted sonn

Found this thought it might be of interest

Bloody hell where did you find that.

M330VFM Mike Turner strikes again just about 6 months earlier he turned Squeakys Eurocab over on the N1 somseirra,s

that looks like the Thelwall viaduct. How the hell did he get out ?

was’nt this barton bridge on the northbound side about 8/9 years ago,the driver scrambled out of the cab by himself :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Bloody hell where did you find that.

You would be amazed what you can find on the internet. Used to see Avialink motors in Spain, Portugal and Gib.
Used to do Peraltas in Gib and a company in Portugal with Iceland Fozen foods I think this was after Avialink lost
the contract.
Regards Kev

was’nt this barton bridge on the northbound side about 8/9 years ago,the driver scrambled out of the cab by himself :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Yeah barton bridge it was he made all the papers as he held the man u game up by a 1hr. He also climbed back in for his mobile fone


Bloody hell where did you find that.

You would be amazed what you can find on the internet. Used to see Avialink motors in Spain, Portugal and Gib.
Used to do Peraltas in Gib and a company in Portugal with Iceland Fozen foods I think this was after Avialink lost
the contract.
Regards Kev

Wasnt Eurocold you were pullin for?