
Photobucket resizes photos as avatars to a size of 100 x 100, but TruckNet only allows 80 x 80. This is a throwback to the pre-broadband era.

Any chance of having the size limit increased to 100 x 100?

AFAIK the 80 x 80 limit is only if you want to upload an avatar, which isn’t working very well anyway. If you link to one stored on Photobucket or the like you should be able to have 100 x 100

When I try to upload an off-site avatar sized 100x 92 (Photobucket), I’m being told that it exceeds the limit of 80 x 80.

Harry Monk:
When I try to upload an off-site avatar sized 100x 92 (Photobucket), I’m being told that it exceeds the limit of 80 x 80.

Don’t upload it, use the third box - Link to off-site Avatar:

Thanks, that’s better (Same avatar but a little more “in focus”)

Harry Monk:
Thanks, that’s better (Same avatar but a little more “in focus”)

Is that SANTA on his summer holls?

No, that’s me at the weekend! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I just thought you’d put on weight Harry :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: