Auxillary input on XF/CF

Probably a really stupid question, but the more recent CFs (and couple of XFs) I’ve driven don’t have CD drives (think they’re either DAF audio or blaupunkt) on the head unit, i.e. it’s just solid plastic where the slot (no jokes) used to be!

Pressing ‘SRC’ only cycles between two options, ‘radio’ and ‘aux’.

Where in the name of all that is holy is this aux socket then?! I’ve had the torch in every ■■■■ and cranny I can find but can’t find locate it. The only thing remotely what I’m looking for is a USB input, but this is for power only, no info transfer so can’t be used to play audio from phone, for example.

No 3.5 mm female on the head unit either.

Any ideas? :sunglasses:

In the CFs I’ve driven it was in the middle row of switches underneath the heater vents. 3.5mm socket next to a usb

Thanks for the reply, but on the one I’ve been driving there’s only a USB in the middle dummy switch, no 3.5 mm socket :frowning:

They’ve saved 10pence on your spec and no gave you a aux front input. There is a thread where you can create your own input.


All you need is radio keys and a blaupunket aux wire you can get one for around 3-4 quid on eBay.


Thanks for the link merc, I’ll remember that but as I’m cab hopping a lot atm I’ve just bought a £10 FM transmitter from Argos, hopefully that’ll do the trick!

Don’t know how some people can drive along with earphones in… I need to be immersed in the music :wink:

Mines just above the USB in my DAF

The LF have the 3mm and usb behind the handbrake and gear knob by drivers seat , but I know the cf has brake on dash but the socket could be in storage tray in between seats

One of the more appealing aspects of some of the higher end Snoopers is the “bluetooth everything” feature. Saved my bacon many times, as i happily blast my fave tunes through the stereo with the minimum of arseing about!! Only problem then is the ludicrously poor standard speakers that DAF fob you off with.