Auto's in Trucks

I drove an 18 tonner home delivery lorry for Laura Ashley a while back and they were using MAN’s with auto boxes. The poor turning circle of the MAN was bad enough, but when combined with the jerky auto box in very tight turnings, it was a nightmare on wheels.

I currently drive a Dennis Eagle Twin-Pack dustcart which is fitted with the Allison auto gearbox and I find it an excellent vehicle, if horribly under-powered when fully loaded. Given the nature of the job, I would not like a dustcart with a manual gearbox :open_mouth:

Below is the control panel for an Allison auto gearbox as fitted to the Dennis Eagle Single Packers, same gearbox though.

Just a thought but they may be purposely underpowered for better grip for the off-road bit . Mate of mine always got stuck & had to be towed from the dump with his V8 Scania tipper .Too much torque ,too much power make the wheels spin. The lads with the straight sixes never had probs.

I voted no. I had an automated shifter on the KW and it was a pain. It was slow off the mark, had to be at 800 rpm to engage and was a nightmare on sites. That C15 swinging at 800rpm is a fairly serious motor and it is too much. You have no control at all, and even in manual mode it was not possible to rock yourself out of a sticky spot.

The ones they bought for B-trains, running at 62.5 tonnes, were better because they had a clutch so you could control your pull off better. 800 rpm at that weight would destroy a clutch in no time.

Nope, give me a standard and I would be a happy camper…

Love my auto’s, went from an Auto Actros to an Axor manual for 2 weeks last year whilst waiting for my present ride to go on the road, was surprised by its performance, but a manual DIY stick thingy gearbox :open_mouth: , no thanks, the only manual gear changing I do now is to flick a switch and then twitch my little finger to swap cogs :grimacing:

I do like autos in my job the Allison makes life so much easier ,only problem is it sometimes gets confused changes too high and you hear a huge clang before lurching forward doesnt happen often though thankfully!!!

Most of our fleet are Scannys with Optidrive boxes I use a manual as the optidrives are just to slow on the uptake even when using it in manual, I had the displeasure of driving a full auto Renault 450 premium the other week couldn’t get into it at all hated hill starts with no clutch control and worst of all no Left Arm Gearstick Rest.

Plus what is the deal with the turning circle on autos my Manual Scanny out turns the Opti’s easily carn’t see why a gearbox should make a differance.

How many of you auto lovers would feel the same if your manual option was removed.
Daf offers a fleet spec Auto box, which means no manual option. Great fun. :grimacing:

Does any other manufacturer offer this type of box ?

Renault Premium, get in,point and squirt. In answer to the OP, not me,I have never used the manual option, ever. :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

Everbody Knows Driving a Truck is gear change, gear change with rolly hanging out of gob…crunch crunch
You lot with your auto boxes are just playing video games.

driving a full auto Renault 450 premium the other week couldn’t get into it at all hated hill starts with no clutch control .

Did you use the hill start function ■■?

I have pulled a renault up some incredibly steep hills at 44t and never had a problem doing hill starts.

I’m not bothered what I drive, the only reason I prefer auto’s to manual’s is I think the gear stick clutters up the cab and makes it look untidy, gets in the way of a nice flat floor. :smiley:

after just over a month in my new unit which is a daf cf as-tronic i must admit i like it loads now, had to go see a guy in daf to be shown a few tricks and things that arnt printed in the manual, it made all the difference.
the reversing issue is gone after you get used to it, the jerky-ness just doesnt happen any more at all. very very sensitive to throttle inputs in reverse but easy enough to get used to.
I was worried about it right at the start but quickly found out that my fears were unfounded and once you learn how to use the gearbox correctly its fantastic, no getting stuck on roundabouts, no rolling back on hills, and if you want extra control over it just slip into manual mode and away you go ( although there are very few reasons for you ever needing to )

after just over a month in my new unit which is a daf cf as-tronic i must admit i like it loads now, ,had to go see a guy in daf to be shown a few tricks and things that arnt printed in the manual it made all the difference.
the reversing issue is gone after you get used to it, the jerky-ness just doesnt happen any more at all. very very sensitive to throttle inputs in reverse but easy enough to get used to.
I was worried about it right at the start but quickly found out that my fears were unfounded and once you learn how to use the gearbox correctly its fantastic, no getting stuck on roundabouts, no rolling back on hills, and if you want extra control over it just slip into manual mode and away you go ( although there are very few reasons for you ever needing to )

Good post …
Driving is not all about reading a manual or doing it as the book says.
Driving is a skill that is developed over time.
Listening to other drivers and taking on board what they say will take you further than any book will.

Driving is not all about reading a manual or doing it as the book says.
Driving is a skill that is developed over time.
Listening to other drivers and taking on board what they say will take you further than any book will.

Oh … do the people that have invented the CPC know the above :grimacing: :unamused:

McPloppy ©:
do the people that have invented the CPC know the above

Don’t be silly - they are are EU beaurocrats

mark h:

ellies dad:
I have Mercedes powershift12,the best thing goin,never misses a beat-forward or backwards.

if this is the box were u stil have to clutch it to change gear but just push the lever forward an it clicks from the dash board?

drove 1 today, best thing since sliced bread, 440 on a 54reg only had a short go like, but it looks so easy !!!

No ,that’s EPS/Telligent-and your’s has 16 gear’s.
Mine is Auto,no clutch pedal and 12 gear’s-still have the lever on the armrest thou.

Only driven one auto truck and that was an 07 DAF LF hiab from Travis perkins, was terrible going up hills especially when reversing up hills with a heavy load, suprised the autobox didnt give out, had no problems when using one of the older manual types.

Though for long distance haulage work (like parcel delivery) they would be great i guess :smiley:

I’ve had my 57 plate TGA since new & like it however I do drive in manual a lot as on my unit it drops down to 11th when lugging down to 1200 r.p.m.

I hate them end of. The only gearbox semi automatic Id av is the EPS or the telligent. the fella who I drive for has 2 08 premiums with auto and 3 56 TGA’s with auto and I hate them boring pieces of cow dung when you want to change down it changes into a too lower gear or It dont change at all. The TGA’s tho with a empty trailer and in the wet theres no grip whatsoever.

Keep them give me a manual anyday.

same old story new equipment and no one
trains us up

so it takes forever to pick up things that could be explained in the yard en mass

of course the Dcpc will be of no use as a real training aid