Auto's in Trucks

do you like them

if you don’t why

I drove an 18 tonner home delivery lorry for Laura Ashley a while back and they were using MAN’s with auto boxes. The poor turning circle of the MAN was bad enough, but when combined with the jerky auto box in very tight turnings, it was a nightmare on wheels.

I currently drive a Dennis Eagle Twin-Pack dustcart which is fitted with the Allison auto gearbox and I find it an excellent vehicle, if horribly under-powered when fully loaded. Given the nature of the job, I would not like a dustcart with a manual gearbox :open_mouth:

Below is the control panel for an Allison auto gearbox as fitted to the Dennis Eagle Single Packers, same gearbox though.

volvo i-shift id have every day, the rest no, ill stick with a manual, which is what ive got now 99% of the time.

cf 85 its ok on the move but the “lag” from pulling off could be sorted better. i like the hill start aid tho very good :smiley:

Only drove an auto once and got caught out on a frozen yard after tipping. With a manual, could have rocked it,no chance with the auto, took me about 15 mins to get going - felt a right ■■■ :blush:

Only drove an auto once and got caught out on a frozen yard after tipping. With a manual, could have rocked it,no chance with the auto, took me about 15 mins to get going - felt a right ■■■ :blush:

you should have switched to manual selection, almost if not all autos have one :smiley: :smiley:

I used to say I wanted gears, knew where you were with a gear lever, but have to admit to changeing my mind…

Still like a manual box dont get me wrong, love the Volvo I shift, the merc auto box aint bad, the Scania one is fine, BUT why the clutch to start off??
What I dont like is that stupid system on some mercs, it manual with a clutch through that stubby little lever, been driving one all week, and twice its caught me out on the steep hills, stopping me as it could not change down fast enough, meaning a crawler start, Volvo would have romped it…


Only drove an auto once and got caught out on a frozen yard after tipping. With a manual, could have rocked it,no chance with the auto, took me about 15 mins to get going - felt a right ■■■ :blush:

you should have switched to manual selection, almost if not all autos have one :smiley: :smiley:

Wouldnt know where the switch was for a start :confused: Whats the point of an auto box then ?
Do manual boxes have an auto selection ?

no thanks im a control freak :open_mouth:



Only drove an auto once and got caught out on a frozen yard after tipping. With a manual, could have rocked it,no chance with the auto, took me about 15 mins to get going - felt a right ■■■ :blush:

you should have switched to manual selection, almost if not all autos have one :smiley: :smiley:

Wouldnt know where the switch was for a start :confused: Whats the point of an auto box then ?
Do manual boxes have an auto selection ?

cant believe you as a seasoned driver could not work out the manual button :open_mouth: then again we are jack of all trades but master at nothing lol
my first couple of times were frustrating but you do “adjust” after a few constant weeks
and no a manual is and will always be better than auto cos of the control you have with manual so why fit auto to enhance a perfectly good manual box (if you know what i mean) but vice versa makes sense :confused: :confused: :laughing:

No, as sometimes they changing the gears in most stupid moments. But in traffic jam I wish to have one - but I can pick only one option :frowning:

no thanks im a control freak :open_mouth:

Mo too :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses:

I love them. When mine went in for MOT the other week i had to drive one of our manuals, what a night mare. How can you eat a pie and drink your tea and have to change gear as well, not to mention take the odd fone call. You can shove gearsticks where the sun don’t shine :smiley:




Only drove an auto once and got caught out on a frozen yard after tipping. With a manual, could have rocked it,no chance with the auto, took me about 15 mins to get going - felt a right ■■■ :blush:

you should have switched to manual selection, almost if not all autos have one :smiley: :smiley:

Wouldnt know where the switch was for a start :confused: Whats the point of an auto box then ?
Do manual boxes have an auto selection ?

cant believe you as a seasoned driver could not work out the manual button :open_mouth: then again we are jack of all trades but master at nothing lol
my first couple of times were frustrating but you do “adjust” after a few constant weeks
and no a manual is and will always be better than auto cos of the control you have with manual so why fit auto to enhance a perfectly good manual box (if you know what i mean) but vice versa makes sense :confused: :confused: :laughing:

Fair comment driver, i probably could of “adjusted after a few constant weeks”. . .drove it for 2 days
Didnt like it - havent drove one since.
Give me an Eaton t/s any day :laughing:

I love them. When mine went in for MOT the other week i had to drive one of our manuals, what a night mare. How can you eat a pie and drink your tea and have to change gear as well, not to mention take the odd fone call. You can shove gearsticks where the sun don’t shine :smiley:

and dont forget taking photos of the passing totty, you need 2 hands to hold the camera :laughing:

I was anti auto boxes a few years back, for all the normal reasons, (proper drivers don’t need them , you lose full control of the vehicle, can’t do low speed manourvering, etc) But I’ve been driving a Volvo FH with Ishift for the last 2 years and it’s bloody brilliant. Nice smooth gear changes, changes up hill no problem and does the low speed stuff in tight spots, no problem :smiley:
The best thing we did when we got our truck was have a day out with the trainer from Volvo.




Only drove an auto once and got caught out on a frozen yard after tipping. With a manual, could have rocked it,no chance with the auto, took me about 15 mins to get going - felt a right ■■■ :blush:

you should have switched to manual selection, almost if not all autos have one :smiley: :smiley:

Wouldnt know where the switch was for a start :confused: Whats the point of an auto box then ?
Do manual boxes have an auto selection ?

cant believe you as a seasoned driver could not work out the manual button :open_mouth: then again we are jack of all trades but master at nothing lol
my first couple of times were frustrating but you do “adjust” after a few constant weeks
and no a manual is and will always be better than auto cos of the control you have with manual so why fit auto to enhance a perfectly good manual box (if you know what i mean) but vice versa makes sense :confused: :confused: :laughing:

Some of the seasoned drivers on here cant change a bloody light bulb, so how the hell do you expect em to find the manual option on an auto FFS!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

no i hate them - i keep stalling it:!: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Drove a Volvo this was ok . Spent 2 months recently in a 480 Daf with auto, hated every second of it. Very difficult to manouvre in tight situations.Found mysellf backing on to loading bays at 5 mph not good. No control. When starting off empty would take off in third and then jump to seventh could’nt take it and dropped down maybe one or two gears lurchng like a drunken camel. Very dangerous on roundabouts or when a quick takeoff was needed. Reversing onto ferries very hairy also because of control could easily back into another truck or one of the chain gang directing you. Manual all the time for me.

Drove class 1 since 1990 , always a manual , gaffer just bought me a Daf 85 CF 480 auto , i was sceptical at first , roundabouts are a real pain when busy , once you suss it use manual when needed , it’s effort less , love it .
