Autoroute for trucks

Is there an autoroute for trucks, i.e. with bridge hights, industrial estates, ECT?
And what is the best one to buy for my lap top.

as for bridge heights etc the simple one is no it depends what you want are you after a route planner or satnav for the lap top personally id go for route66 professional for a route planner as it has a truck setting in the prefferences thought autoroute is less complicated to use and you can change the road speed for each type of road

I am only wanting a route planner that I can put in my lap top, I have auto route, but just wondered if I could get one with low bridges ect on it.

I started to put ALL the bridge heights in manually from the AA Truckers map. I found that the map became unreadable zoomed out due to all the info so gave it up as a bad job. Send me a PM with your email address if you want to see whats its like!
