"Automatic" Driving Instruction!

Hi all, does anyone know of anybody in the Eastern or South East area, by that lets say, London, Essex, Kent, Cambridge, Hertfordshire etc, who instructs people on “automatic” HGV / LGV`s?

Any info would be much appreciated, you can PM with details if preferred.

Thanks in advance,


PS…have posted this in the Newbie forum aswell.

sure ROG will be along soon but i thought by LAW all test have to be carried out CLASS 2 using a truck that has a 8/8 splitter gear box - so i would imagine automatic’s would not be allowed■■? unless its under certain circumstances■■?

You can legally take LGV auto but it would mean the training school hiring an auto to do it with - very expensive :exclamation:

Cheers Rog, any names of companies that you may know of who carry out this type of training?

Thanks, Bullitt.

Cheers Rog, any names of companies that you may know of who carry out this type of training?

Thanks, Bullitt.

All of them - if you are wiling to pay through the nose for it

May I ask why you or anyone would wish to train in an automatic anyway?

Smart Mart:
May I ask why you or anyone would wish to train in an automatic anyway?

Cheers for the replies chaps…maybe I should explain a bit more.

The course and test is for a chap I know who needs to drive as part of his new job. So far he has failed his class 2/3 test three times primarily because of changing gears!!!

Since his job involves him driving ONLY autobox vehicles his employer has agreed,as a last chance, to put him through an “automatic” test!!! …(if such a test for HGV`s exists)… …I know its weird, but it would seem its his only chance to keep his job!

So if anyone knows of any training schools who have an Auto-box HGV for training use maybe you could let me know.

Cheers all,


If his employers have automatic vehicles, why don’t they let him use one of those - subject to insurance and meeting the mirror spec for a test vehicle. He could contact his local training organisation for an ‘Instructor only course’.

Or I’m sure there are Instructors on here that would do the training - bit too far me though - sorry - well if its south London that is!

So if anyone knows of any training schools who have an Auto-box HGV for training use maybe you could let me know.

I don’t know of any training schools in the UK that have their own auto truck but as siad before - they can hire one at a large cost to the trainee

Cheers all for taking the time to reply…I recieved a PM from one TN memeber with a suggestion but it looks like the company will be hiring in an instructor and using one of their own vehicles…at some considerable expence I should imagine!! :unamused:

Thanks lads once again. :wink:

Cheers all for taking the time to reply…I recieved a PM from one TN memeber with a suggestion but it looks like the company will be hiring in an instructor and using one of their own vehicles…at some considerable expence I should imagine!! :unamused:

Thanks lads once again. :wink:

Cheapest option.

Make sure the company fit a wide angle mirror to the O/S so the instructor & examiner can see clearly down both sides of the vehicle from the passenger seat.

it looks like the company will be hiring in an instructor and using one of their own vehicles

Good idea - now who thought of that! :laughing: :laughing: