Autentification Required

There seems to be a problem with some of the threads on Trucknet-UK.

When I view the Rigid decker thread I get the message shown in the image bellow, the same happens with the Stolen trailer thread.

I’m still able to view the thread after hitting the cancel button on the message box, if I hit the OK button the message box keeps popping up again.

It’s not a big problem but I thought you should know.

edit: I’ve just realise the message box is asking for authentication for who I’ve never even heard of before :confused:

After checking the page source code it appears the problem is because of where a particular member has his avatar linked from :frowning:

I know the avatar was showing a few days ago so It could be a temporary problem with the site settings the avatar is linked from, time will tell :slight_smile:

As you say it is a problem with the hosting of his avatar not with this site- to stop the problem on here I have deleted his avatar which should stop the pop up box

Yep that’s fixed it.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I was getting it on the poll about the Jacknife thread! :open_mouth: