AUSTRIAN overtakeing ban extended for lorrys

have just read that the austrians have extended the ban as regards lorrys 7.5tn and above on the A4 have putthe post through a translator and posted down below,


got caught by the austrian police cos i overtook on the bridge just past innsbruck.the no overtaking signs were up and they were parked facing the road in the services.pulled me at the peage said back to the office to do paperwork 200 euros or do it at police car 25 euros.i said we will have to find bank machine he says no problem i have card i gives him my natwest debit card and it wouldnt work on his machine.upshot of it was he turned round and said have a nice trip and let me off. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

It shows that there are still some nice ones out on the road,
wheres the dairy Niel46, mate■■?

well i did have 12 immigrants in the trailer at calais and a report and photo appeared in the sun and the daily express :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: