
Going to Austria,suspect things have changed since 1990, Can anyone give me a few hints (ADR load)?

You need to buy a go-box at the border which is a tag that goes in the window to pay the motorway toll. I think you need v5 and plate to get 1. ADR no problem. No driving at night though (after 10)

Going to Austria,suspect things have changed since 1990

Hi spaniard1,
Things have certainly changed in Austria since 1990, and the go-box has already been mentioned so I’ll stick to your next question. :wink:

Can anyone give me a few hints (ADR load)?

There is a new system of knowing which dangerous goods can be carried through road tunnels, and Austria’s system is particularly complicated, because escorts and extra amber beacons (over and above your standard ADR equipment) are sometimes needed.

Tunnels of more than 500meters in length on the main road network (in all ADR countries) should have been classified with a letter A-E by now, but not all countries have published the categorisation of their tunnels yet. Fortunately, Austria has completed this task, so it will be easy to advise you which tunnels your load can pass through and whether you’ll need an ■■■■■■.

When you say “ADR load,” do you mean: I have some bits and bobs of dangerous goods on board, or would it be a load that is fully subject to ADR please?
If your load doesn’t fall to be fully regulated by ADR, then you’re allowed through all tunnels.
If your load does fall to be fully regulated by ADR, then you’re generally allowed through tunnels of category “A.”
A category “A” tunnel either has a sign with an “A” on it, or no sign. If there’s no sign, it generally means there’s no restriction.

If you can say exactly what you’ll be carrying in the normal format please eg: UN number, PSN, UN Class, PG and ADR tunnel code it would be helpful.
The amounts and how it’s packaged would also be useful info too.
The ADR tunnel code for the goods is to be found in the last position on your transport document. Just for ease of explanation and to show you the info I need to be able to help you, I’ll use the example of petrol carried in drums…
Your transport document would look something like this:
UN 1203 PETROL, 3, PGII (D/E) [The unfamiliar bit at the end in brackets is the ADR tunnel code, which the consignor must provide.]
[I can provide it if it’s missing, but I need the exact UN number and name of the goods and packing group to be able to do that for you.]

The meaning of the D/E is:
The “D” = A petrol tanker may not pass through tunnels of categories D and E
The “E” = Other Carriage of petrol [packages (drums, IBCs etc)] may not pass through tunnels of category E.

If you have multiple UN numbers (eg a groupage type load,) then the most restrictive category letter must be applied to the whole load.
If there is a restriction, then the authorities must place a sign indicating the restriction and advising of an alternative route at a place where you have the opportunity to divert eg: this sign for the Mersey tunnels:

If you know your intended route, I can probably tell you the Austrian tunnel categories for the tunnels you’ll encounter.

I hope this helps. :smiley:

ADR no problem.

Hi skids,

I’m afraid to tell you that Austria’s road tunnel categorisation and requirements are one of the most complicated out of all of the ADR countries.

We’re all pretty familiar with the kit and equipment needed for ADR work, but Austria has extra requirements over and above the ADR norm.
Extra amber beacons fitted to the roof of a vehicle and compulsory escorts are just two examples of Austria’s additional requirements.

In Austria, the ‘extra’ requirements can vary from tunnel to tunnel, so it might pay companies to get their DGSA to research a route and get ADR compliance sorted out in advance of a journey, otherwise problems, delays and fines may follow.

You need to buy a go-box at the border which is a tag that goes in the window to pay the motorway toll. I think you need v5 and plate to get 1. ADR no problem. No driving at night though (after 10)

the night time driving ban is 8.00pm to5.00am, in winter from (1.11 to 30.04 ) in summer its 10.00pm to 5.00am (1.05 to 31.10) unless you have a euro 5 the law changes! i got done 220 euro for driving at 8.15 pm just before christmas in a euro 4 ! nice christmas present that was.

thanks very much gentlemen, very useful.

Thanks for that, learn something new every day!

IN Austria they have truck check points that are open
24/7 , on all main routes and they love taking money
off truckers, KEEP to the speed limit and also keep
your distance from the vehicle in front.