Good question Jamie - this is the one I had in mind: … ture15.jpg
Perhaps it’s the same motor, restored?
Good question Jamie - this is the one I had in mind: … ture15.jpg
Perhaps it’s the same motor, restored?
Carry on,
Yeah mate,that was a typo,I do know that it is an 8V92.
Now I’d like to put a small matter to bed for good now. The matter of a Gardner powered road train not being much chop,what a load of cobblers.
I have taken this excerts from a book on early road trains.
And this one has three trailers not two as the text reads,so 20 ton on the truck and 25 on each trailer,maybe more on the first as it’s a bogie. Thats probably about 100 ton,plus the weight of the truck and trailers easy another 30 ton. So 130 ton up with a 150 horse Gardner,not a bad effort.
Co Ord were a big mob in trucking in the top end of Austalia during the 60’s and without their Gardner powered Fodens they wouldn’t have been able to do it.
An even older one.
Right lets get back to Atkis
Carry on,
Yeah mate,that was a typo,I do know that it is an 8V92.
Now I’d like to put a small matter to bed for good now. The matter of a Gardner powered road train not being much chop,what a load of cobblers.
I have taken this excerts from a book on early road trains.
And this one has three trailers not two as the text reads,so 20 ton on the truck and 25 on each trailer,maybe more on the first as it’s a bogie. Thats probably about 100 ton,plus the weight of the truck and trailers easy another 30 ton. So 130 ton up with a 150 horse Gardner,not a bad effort.
Co Ord were a big mob in trucking in the top end of Austalia during the 60’s and without their Gardner powered Fodens they wouldn’t have been able to do it.
An even older one.
Right lets get back to Atkis
Thanks for all that NZ but if the Gardner was all that good then they would’nt have bothered with putting that Detroit in that 10 wheeler rigid beast or using all of those yank wagons which they went over to in the later years.But using 150 horses or even the 8 cylinder Gardner to pull 100 tonners + in those early years says it all about how quick the Ozzies learnt about increasing their engine and power specs specs compared to the Brits.But it shows how boredom running at 38 mph must have affected those figures given there because to run over 300 miles in 8 hours would have meant that wagon was averaging more than the speed it was governed to max and even at 45 mph you’d have had a difficult job keeping to that journey time even though there are’nt that many hills there probably.I was only running around 400 miles on a night trunk in 7+ hours with a wagon which was running at 65 mph +.But I reckon that a 150 Gardner powered 100 tonner would have taken two days work to run from London to Leeds.That’s if it could get up the hills
Carry on,
Yeah mate,that was a typo,I do know that it is an 8V92.
Now I’d like to put a small matter to bed for good now. The matter of a Gardner powered road train not being much chop,what a load of cobblers.And this one has three trailers not two as the text reads,so 20 ton on the truck and 25 on each trailer,maybe more on the first as it’s a bogie. Thats probably about 100 ton,plus the weight of the truck and trailers easy another 30 ton. So 130 ton up with a 150 horse Gardner,not a bad effort.
Co Ord were a big mob in trucking in the top end of Austalia during the 60’s and without their Gardner powered Fodens they wouldn’t have been able to do it.
Right lets get back to Atkis
Interesting photos and history Jamie, thanks for those. We’ll just carry on and ignore the troll
Hmmm last time I checked waggon and drags didn’t cart 100 ton plus in the UK. And although you may not think the roads are great I’m pretty sure they were not deeply corigated and unsealed. As for hills,well its faily hilly country north of Alice,with a fair few good size jump ups. Plus all this in a part of the world where the temps in the summer get up into the high 40’s. Also one of the characterists of a road train is over a certain speed the rear trailer starts to fish tail,and left to it’s own devices can run of the road.
Hmmm last time I checked waggon and drags didn’t cart 100 ton plus in the UK. And although you may not think the roads are great I’m pretty sure they were not deeply corigated and unsealed. As for hills,well its faily hilly country north of Alice,with a fair few good size jump ups. Plus all this in a part of the world where the temps in the summer get up into the high 40’s. Also one of the characterists of a road train is over a certain speed the rear trailer starts to fish tail,and left to it’s own devices can run of the road.
I’ve heard that old fishtailing BS a few times check out this video 2 minutes 40 to 3 minutes 20 no Gardners or running at 40 mph and if if it was hilly then that 150 would’nt have stood a chance of getting 312 miles done in 8 hours at 100 tonnes+.
another thread that started off interesting and then got seriously boring very quick
some great old interesting photos though,thanks nz jamie.
Right lets get back to Atkis
Here you are Jamie - I believe this one belonged to Mobil NZ, who ran a number of Atkis, with various cabs.
And another, slightly unusal machine, with the Mk.1 RP cab
And here’s a Mk.2 RP
another thread that started off interesting and then got seriously boring very quick
some great old interesting photos though,thanks nz jamie.
There’s nothing boring about that 10x6 Detroit powered beast unlike those earlier Gardner powered ones.What’s boring or wrong about giving credit where it’s due to a wagon which showed how fast the Ozzies were developing their ideas compared to the rate we were.
another thread that started off interesting and then got seriously boring very quick
some great old interesting photos though,thanks nz jamie.
Spot on Glenman - perhaps we should cart the irritating little troll up to Westmorland and let Dennis knock some sense into him
another thread that started off interesting and then got seriously boring very quick
some great old interesting photos though,thanks nz jamie.There’s nothing boring about that 10x6 Detroit powered beast unlike those earlier Gardner powered ones.What’s boring or wrong about giving credit where it’s due to a wagon which showed how fast the Ozzies were developing their ideas compared to the rate we were.
all right then there is nothing boring about that 10x6 thingymajig its just you.
Hey Mark,it’s from New Zealand ‘Trucking’ March 2010
Hullo “NZ Jamie”
Do you want a copy of NZ Trucking ? I can get you one today, as I am in Napier this weekend enjoying the Art Deco Festival.
Cheers, Archie
G’day Archie mate,
welcome to “God’s own” That is my copy of Trucking mate,I live in Wellington NZ.
Have a good weekend mate.
G’day Archie mate,
welcome to “God’s own” That is my copy of Trucking mate,I live in Wellington NZ.
Have a good weekend mate.
Hullo G’day Jamie,
So sorry mate, I thought that you were based in the UK ( I seem to remember you contributing some info on Johnny Jenkinson once ) I passed through the Windy City two days ago, it has certainly changed since I was last there, in 1956, ha, ha. But still wet and windy.
Cheers, Archie.
Some great old pics there again 240 mate. As I said before Carry Fast mate,there are some good jump ups north of Alice and if you read the ‘Jake Brake’ advert it says that there are grades of 1 in 7. And being an advert for ‘Jakes’ you would think that it is promoting good engine braking on hilly sections.
Anyhow back to Atkis,this pic comes from a cover of a great picture book,but sadly it gives no info on the old banger.
And this one from an old Auzzie magazine,nice old Mk1
2 TNT Atki’s from Down Under
Salut, Bert
Some great old pics there again 240 mate. As I said before Carry Fast mate,there are some good jump ups north of Alice and if you read the ‘Jake Brake’ advert it says that there are grades of 1 in 7. And being an advert for ‘Jakes’ you would think that it is promoting good engine braking on hilly sections.
Anyhow back to Atkis,this pic comes from a cover of a great picture book,but sadly it gives no info on the old banger.
And this one from an old Auzzie magazine,nice old Mk1
I did’nt have any argument with any of that NZ my point was that a 150 or 240 horse Gardner powered heap running at 100 tonnes+ would’nt be able to make an average speed of over 300 miles in 8 hours in those conditions and as I remember it the Jake brake is/was a Yank idea usually fitted on decent powerful yank engines not Gardners.So as I said the Ozzies were learning fast and the 600+ horse yank powered outfits of today show how clever they were/are compared to us stuck here in Euroland.But if only I could have been working over there in the 1980’s for the guvnor running that 10X6 rigid/roadtrain outfit and he’d said to me what glenman said
Some great old pics there again 240 mate. As I said before Carry Fast mate,there are some good jump ups north of Alice and if you read the ‘Jake Brake’ advert it says that there are grades of 1 in 7. And being an advert for ‘Jakes’ you would think that it is promoting good engine braking on hilly sections.
Anyhow back to Atkis,this pic comes from a cover of a great picture book,but sadly it gives no info on the old banger.
And this one from an old Auzzie magazine,nice old Mk1
I did’nt have any argument with any of that NZ my point was that a 150 or 240 horse Gardner powered heap running at 100 tonnes+ would’nt be able to make an average speed of over 300 miles in 8 hours in those conditions and as I remember it the Jake brake is/was a Yank idea usually fitted on decent powerful yank engines not Gardners.So as I said the Ozzies were learning fast and the 600+ horse yank powered outfits of today show how clever they were/are compared to us stuck here in Euroland.But if only I could have been working over there in the 1980’s for the guvnor running that 10X6 rigid/roadtrain outfit and he’d said to me what glenman said
It’s a great pity you couldn’t have been Transported to the colony Carryfast but I think they would have defo refused you entry and slung you back on the next ship home chained up in the Brig !!Bewick.
Some great old pics there again 240 mate. As I said before Carry Fast mate,there are some good jump ups north of Alice and if you read the ‘Jake Brake’ advert it says that there are grades of 1 in 7. And being an advert for ‘Jakes’ you would think that it is promoting good engine braking on hilly sections.
Anyhow back to Atkis,this pic comes from a cover of a great picture book,but sadly it gives no info on the old banger.
And this one from an old Auzzie magazine,nice old Mk1
I did’nt have any argument with any of that NZ my point was that a 150 or 240 horse Gardner powered heap running at 100 tonnes+ would’nt be able to make an average speed of over 300 miles in 8 hours in those conditions and as I remember it the Jake brake is/was a Yank idea usually fitted on decent powerful yank engines not Gardners.So as I said the Ozzies were learning fast and the 600+ horse yank powered outfits of today show how clever they were/are compared to us stuck here in Euroland.But if only I could have been working over there in the 1980’s for the guvnor running that 10X6 rigid/roadtrain outfit and he’d said to me what glenman said
It’s a great pity you couldn’t have been Transported to the colony Carryfast but I think they would have defo refused you entry and slung you back on the next ship home chained up in the Brig !!Bewick.
Maybe but I’d bet that they would have wanted to keep a driver who could really make those journey times,or even faster,without putting the outfit off the road and who would have been happy when the guvnor decided to give me a 400 horse + Detroit powered roadtrain instead of a 150 or 240 horse Gardner powered one