At job

I just had to share this with you all. After being eight years not driving trucks, I have managed to get a job on Euro work. I used to do it about 9 to 10 years ago and iv missed it.
A change in contracts of employment in my current local council job has made me look for other work. I must admit it will be a big change after so long. I will mainly be doing Italy /
Germany / etc. for a long standing family firm in Lancashire. I am up to date with the driving regs, I hope ? but my main worry is my weekly rest.
I know I have to have 45 off or a min 24. but I am not sure how to make the rest up by the end of the third week if taking 24 off. I would love any info on how you Euro lads / lasses do it. Apart from that I cant wait. My first trip I think is Germany. Should ship out around the 2nd / 3rd feb. Any other tips would be good, all trucks got tags for tolls etc.
Would be interesting to hear from anyone of my age, 58 just, that have gone back into Haulage after a long spell away from it. Thanks.

Congratulations on the new job.

If no tacho records for the last 28 days,an activity attestation letter is required or a 3000 euro fine.
It covers absence,sickness and holiday periods.
Headlights on in the day time in Italy.
Two warning triangles to be placed in front and behind any vehicle when broken down.
Hiviz to be worn when broken down and stood in the road.
If weekended,a bike is great for touring around.If in the cab,remove the front wheel and stow in the passenger seat or lock it inside the trailer.Some bar bell weights to keep fit.

I see you’re in Blackpool. Pm me your number, I’m only down the road. Posh end of Blackpool.

stevie p:
I just had to share this with you all. After being eight years not driving trucks, I have managed to get a job on Euro work. I used to do it about 9 to 10 years ago and iv missed it.
A change in contracts of employment in my current local council job has made me look for other work. I must admit it will be a big change after so long. I will mainly be doing Italy /
Germany / etc. for a long standing family firm in Lancashire. I am up to date with the driving regs, I hope ? but my main worry is my weekly rest.
I know I have to have 45 off or a min 24. but I am not sure how to make the rest up by the end of the third week if taking 24 off. I would love any info on how you Euro lads / lasses do it. Apart from that I cant wait. My first trip I think is Germany. Should ship out around the 2nd / 3rd feb. Any other tips would be good, all trucks got tags for tolls etc.
Would be interesting to hear from anyone of my age, 58 just, that have gone back into Haulage after a long spell away from it. Thanks.

First, congrats on the job.

2nd, don’t forget you only make back what you owe, so if you have 44hrs off, although it’s classed as a reduced weekly rest, you only owe 1 hr which can be paid back on the end of any rest period, daily or weekly. But it must be paid back in full, so if you owed 11hrs, then you’d need at least 20hrs off (9+11) if you’ve got any reducers left, or 56hrs off on a 45 etc…

You’ll fall back inline, and if not, hopefully your boss will spot any failings and point them out to you on your download / analasis.

I’ve never done Europe, 1 side of me would love to, the other side says stay in my comfort zone lol.

It’s quite simple really you must have 45 hrs weekly rest a week, anything less must be added onto a 45 hr rest at the end of the 3rd week, or added onto a daily rest period.

I always do 36hrs off one week and then a minimum of 54 the following week. Although I could do 24 on week one, 24 on week 2, then 87 on week 3 if that’s what you really want to do.

If you take the 24 hours weekend break, you have to make 45 hours in the next week…You can’t not twice break 24 hours directly one after the other.But i think you will know this.
If you are 3 weeks on road ist no Problem to make first weekend 45, than next weekend 24 and than 45 again or 66 hours.Only think about that you have to catch up on the shortening hours maximum until the 3.weekend after the 24 hours break.There are a lot of options to plan ist.

. Although I could do 24 on week one, 24 on week 2, then 87 on week 3 if that’s what you really want to do.

If you do this in France or Germany you will pay a lot of money.It´s not allowed.

It´s only allowed to add the reduce weekend rest to the 45 hours weekend break or during the normal week you can add ist on a 9 hours or 11 hours break.

It´s only allowed to add the reduce weekend rest to the 45 hours weekend break or during the normal week you can add ist on a 9 hours or 11 hours break.

correct :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Posh end of Blackpool.

Posh and Blackpool I wouldn’t associate in the same sentence.

Is the posh end of Blackpool, Lytham then?



Posh end of Blackpool.

Posh and Blackpool I wouldn’t associate in the same sentence.

Is the posh end of Blackpool, Lytham then?


Narrrr, it’s proper posh round here. Our windmill has sails.

No No No Quinny that be Royal Lytham