Assessment or Recommendation

Despite the thread title you can always choose another method of deciding your training provider. That is basically heads or tails. Of course there is the well put together website or the promise of 50k - 80k jobs available.

Assessment method
You will need a LGV provisional licence to actually drive the truck although some assess you on a 3.5t truck or even a car. Using this method you will get to meet the key players of the company, hopefully the instructor and the vehicle you will be be putting your faith and more importantly hard earned cash into.

Expect a drive of approx 1-2 hours to give you a fair chance to demonstrate your abilities.
Upside = Usually free chance to have a go. If you are a bit above average you may save money on the standard course fee.
Downside = Not much really. Perhaps the trainer is under orders to sell more than you need but in my experience not usually. Assessments are a selling tool not a training tool.

Recommendation method
Here you go on the word of a trusted friend, family member, or mate down the pub.
Sometimes he has has a good experience with the trainer and that is good news. Sometimes he has just heard good things about the trainer perhaps second hand.

Upside = If you trust the guy you feel happy with the recommendation. Deciding where to buy is mostly about trust so this feels good.
Downside = What is good for 1 person may not be right for you.Your friend may have passed but dozens did not with the same trainer.

So the final decision is down to you. 2 to 1 training or 1 to 1 training. Broker or direct ? Weekdays or weekends. How do you choose ?

How did you choose your football team ? Like LGV training you only get 1 chance to get it right.


Fulham John
Flair Training

I would avoid training with a : … ped-b.html

I would avoid training with a company that continuously posts thinly veiled adverts on a supposedly ‘independent’ forum.

I would avoid training with a company like Flair.

^This I like

This could be fun :unamused:

I would avoid training with a : … ped-b.html

I would avoid training with a company that continuously posts thinly veiled adverts on a supposedly ‘independent’ forum.

I would avoid training with a company like Flair.


I would avoid training with a :

I would appreciate either an apology for, or a retraction of the words . This implies that I was the subject of a court action and found guilty. There were NEVER any court proceedings at all.

The article you refer to in the Daily Mirror is their opinion as clearly stated on the page. It does not refer to any conviction as you suggest.

I would avoid training with a company that continuously posts thinly veiled adverts on a supposedly ‘independent’ forum.

You obviously don’t read my posts properly then as they generally offer advice and guidance about specific LGV training issues raised by other members. In fact I receive many emails from members thanking me for the advice I give.

I would avoid training with a company like Flair.

That is your choice but there are many people glad that they did choose to train with us. You can see their details on our website

You are fully entitled to your opinions but at least try to stick to the facts a bit.


Flair Training

Is it a fact or fiction John that companies you were involved with took monies totalling hundreds of thousands of pounds from many wanna-be truckers and they never saw their money again?

Did you in fact challenge the DAILY MIRROR on their article about you? That’s what i would do if they were telling porkies about me. So what did you do?