Asleep at the wheel MK2

Driver falls asleep at the wheel of his lorry while on the motorwayBy h.b.
Wed, 28 Feb 2007, 08:34
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The Catalan police force, Los Mossos d’Esquadra, have arrested a 56 year old Polish lorry driver in Sant Julià de Ramis near Girona.

The driver, who was nine times over the alcohol limit, was seen swerving his lorry back and forth across the motorway. He then stopped and immediately fell asleep at the wheel, while parked in the right lane of the road. It happened on Monday morning.

When the police approached the lorry, they found the curtains of the cabin closed and the driver deeply asleep inside. He will appear before the judge shortly.


Only nine times!!! With a little more effort he could have broken the record!!! :laughing: