Ashford truckstop


Parked up last week at the Ashford truckstop, haven’t been there for some years and what surprised me, was that almost 70% of the parked lorries had an eastern block reg.plate :open_mouth:
And there were at least 25 lorries of Waberer, did Ashford became there new depot…?
I came over with the Dunkerque-Dover ferry and surely I was the only “normal” speaking driver, didn’t realise that it was that bad, once out of Dover, the ones that overtook me were those “fine gentlemen” I was on the ferry with…
Times they are a changing…

Maybe the EE firms have an account there.A lot use SNAP at other truckstops in the UK.

Times are that bad…AND… WILL get a whole lot worse yet.


Iv not been over the water since 2008 and even then waberers were parked in ashford in good numbers.
I remember running down one Sunday evening and I couldn’t believe the lack of british trucks.

cant understand why u r so surprised are u living in the dark ages.

Why are you surprised well over 6000 trucks that’s 5x our best effort

cant understand why u r so surprised are u living in the dark ages.

No I’m not living in the dark ages, I’m pretty sure I’m up to date, thing is though, when I’m on the ferry from Europoort to Hull or the one from Hoek to Harwich there are a few of those fine lads on as well, but not that much, and you’re not being overtaken for at least 20 miles by those fine lads. And if ya park up at the first truckstop just outside Killingholme, you won’t find that all the places are being taken by them w…
I’m used to it on the mainland, but I never thought it was that bad in the U.K. as well… Oh well, maybe I did had my eyes shut then…


Neville 1:
Times are that bad…AND… WILL get a whole lot worse yet.

You’re right about that, on the mainland the bulgarians are taking things over, seems that the polish lot are to expensive these days…

The Beloved and I have for years enjoyed parking at Langdon Cliff above Dover Port and going for a stroll along the cliff tops. For part of the time we sit and just watch the ferries, and the Hovercraft when it used to operate, coming and going. On a good day you can follow the boats all the way across. Watching the Port from above it seems just like a child’s gaint toyland dream, with something going on all time.

This week we paid another visit. From what we saw it seems that 99% of the lorries seen going through the Port were foreign registered. What annoyed me was to see that apparently some of the lorries loading off the banana boat are now foreign or at least LHD.

What annoyed me was to see that apparently some of the lorries loading off the banana boat are now foreign or at least LHD.

How does that differ from UK reg trucks backloading bananas out of Antwerp?
(Many of which sub for a large fridge haulier from Dover)

As for Ashford being full of Eastern Europeans, what’s the difference between that and the BP in Macon or the Bourg pub being full of Brits most days of the week in the early 90’s?

Replace ‘Ashford’ with ‘Bourg en Bresse’ and ‘Warberrers’ with ‘Murfitts’ and it’s the same scenario separated by 20 years.


What annoyed me was to see that apparently some of the lorries loading off the banana boat are now foreign or at least LHD.

How does that differ from UK reg trucks backloading bananas out of Antwerp?
(Many of which sub for a large fridge haulier from Dover)

As for Ashford being full of Eastern Europeans, what’s the difference between that and the BP in Macon or the Bourg pub being full of Brits most days of the week in the early 90’s?

Replace ‘Ashford’ with ‘Bourg en Bresse’ and ‘Warberrers’ with ‘Murfitts’ and it’s the same scenario separated by 20 years.

Sure enough, but the big difference between then and now is that back then everybody was inside for supper, and the drivers were a bit more social. These days ya can’t find a spot to squeeze your lorrie in 'cause it’s all occupied by those eastern block drivers cooking alongside their trailers. And dair to say something about that, they will follow you with a knife. And what about walking over a parking, these days it’s more off a minefield 'cause they don’t seem to understand what the purpose off a toilet is for…
And this has got nothing to do with the earnings, it’s just a simple matter of bringing up…


What annoyed me was to see that apparently some of the lorries loading off the banana boat are now foreign or at least LHD.

How does that differ from UK reg trucks backloading bananas out of Antwerp?
(Many of which sub for a large fridge haulier from Dover)

As for Ashford being full of Eastern Europeans, what’s the difference between that and the BP in Macon or the Bourg pub being full of Brits most days of the week in the early 90’s?

Replace ‘Ashford’ with ‘Bourg en Bresse’ and ‘Warberrers’ with ‘Murfitts’ and it’s the same scenario separated by 20 years.

Granted, a fair point, but exiting the Port via Jubilee Way is not backloading, nor is it making for the tunnel.

As for Ashford being full of Eastern Europeans, what’s the difference between that and the BP in Macon or the Bourg pub being full of Brits most days of the week in the early 90’s?

Replace ‘Ashford’ with ‘Bourg en Bresse’ and ‘Warberrers’ with ‘Murfitts’ and it’s the same scenario separated by 20 years.

The difference being if you really need it pointing out to you is one of numbers and share of work. Back in the late 80s and early 90s British trucks accounted for round about 50% of vehicles entering/leaving Dover, therefore the other 50% of vehicles accounted for the various other nationalities who had an equal share of the work between whatever country they came from, and the UK. Murfitts, as far as I know, didn’t tramp between third party European countries for weeks or even months on end, but were engaged either entirely, or mainly on work to and from the UK. Warberers on the other hand are not engaged solely on Hungary-UK work when seen in Ashford, perhaps only a small percentage of them started their journeys in their native country or are heading there from Ashford. Its not the same thing in the slightest.
Back in those days, for every Murfitt’s parked in France heading to Italy, there would be an Italian heading to the UK. Not so today, when only about 10-15% at most of movements through Dover are on UK registered trucks. The same? come off it.

The worse thing about ashford trucks top is that if you decide to stop there for a 45min break or a shower(which they are crap BTW) you have to buy something in the shop for over a certain amount of money to get out,it’s a rip off I won’t be going there again.

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