Asda oops

Big Roy:
To all my fellow agency drivers out there


They are winding you up!!!

Let it flow over you

And breathe :wink:

Getting back to the point, this is typical supermarket greed at this time of year, stuff the trailers to the rafters with stuff that the stores don’t need and haven’t got room for when you get there
Wouldn’t surprise me if it was overweight or top heavy, especially if it was full of pop and booze


You’re out of bed early!

the nodding donkey:

my post was just a bit of fun, I am guessing there are some stressed folks out in the TNUK land.

I still cant see how he has managed to tip it on its side mind.

I guess he approached the lights (perhaps to fast) and had to take evasive action because somebody crossed in front of him at last moment, or he had to anchor up sharp, because of a red light. Either way, load may have shifted and put him over.

Looking at that bent railing it looks like he may have cut in too tight and had the kerb, add too much speed and a bit of load shift and it’s a repeat of the Downton rollover video.