Asda oops

I heard that the Asda assessment consists of the following.

You must say your name on arrival without grunting, no arse crack to be present at anytime during daylight hours, if you do come to work smelling like stir of the dump then you can mask it with a good burst of febreeze.

Then comes the assessment drive.

Climb in vehicle and rev it on the red line for as long as you desire, Not forgetting to leave the engine running for a good ten minutes before departure. There is a srict 200.attempts at reversing on to a bay. Or 45mins which ever comes first.

Once free to leave the d.c. you can tell the assesor that you have fogot more than he knows.And that you have been driving trucks since god was a boy. If you make it back without rolling the vehicle the gig is yours.

I’m not joining in with the agency knocking but he was most definitely agency. He’d been previously banned from another Asda site so you’d have thought that ban would have extended elsewhere.
Asda trailers have load bearing curtains and everything is strapped to sides every 6 pallets. Some of the pallets are stacked badly but always held up with straps.
Those are facts, not speculative opinion.

No green card no drivee lorree, someone proves to be an idiot goodbyee green card.

You’d think a company as large as Asda, and that have a green card system in operation (is it still?) would be on the ball here.

I’m not joining in with the agency knocking but he was most definitely agency. He’d been previously banned from another Asda site so you’d have thought that ban would have extended elsewhere.
Asda trailers have load bearing curtains and everything is strapped to sides every 6 pallets. Some of the pallets are stacked badly but always held up with straps.
Those are facts, not speculative opinion.

But not a load bearing roof, by the looks of it…

There is a srict 200.attempts at reversing on to a bay. Or 45mins which ever comes first.

■■■■ it.
Thats me ■■■■■■ then


jessicas dad:


How do you know that■■?

its on its side?

I drove for 5 years at asda never had any issues with loading or a trailer tipping over.

I was on the agency at asda for 2 years and never had an accident but while i was there a paye emplyed asda driver run someone over and killed them so your argument dosent hold any water.


To many agency drivers much much more expirienced than full time drivers who work for one copmany 10 years,because agency drivers work for different companies,do different job and must do more better because can be banned easy.But to full time drivers have absolutely low knowledge about loading and another task.

I don’t buy that argument, yes agency drivers knowledge will be broader to an extent but a 10 year veteran doing the same thing day in and day out will run rings round a agency bod both reversing wise at stores he has vast knowledge of and restraining wise.

Now put that veteran and the agency driver in a different environment for the day and yes the agency bod will probably have the edge as he has seen more kit and places.

But that also leads to complacency.

To all my fellow agency drivers out there


They are winding you up!!!

Let it flow over you

And breathe :wink:

Getting back to the point, this is typical supermarket greed at this time of year, stuff the trailers to the rafters with stuff that the stores don’t need and haven’t got room for when you get there
Wouldn’t surprise me if it was overweight or top heavy, especially if it was full of pop and booze

jessicas dad:
I was on the agency at asda for 2 years and never had an accident but while i was there a paye emplyed asda driver run someone over and killed them so your argument dosent hold any water.

Would it really hurt to use even basic punctuation or a spell checker?

my post was just a bit of fun, I am guessing there are some stressed folks out in the TNUK land.

I still cant see how he has managed to tip it on its side mind.

Asda still use green card system but it’s clearly not nationally run.
To put this into perspective a full time driver had a new, within the first week, lorry into a ditch and on it’s side. The jury is still out on that one. Clear road, no hazards, driver says it was windy, but in a single?

my post was just a bit of fun, I am guessing there are some stressed folks out in the TNUK land.

I still cant see how he has managed to tip it on its side mind.

I guess he approached the lights (perhaps to fast) and had to take evasive action because somebody crossed in front of him at last moment, or he had to anchor up sharp, because of a red light. Either way, load may have shifted and put him over.

So poor driving then, which all of us knew.

To many agency drivers much much more expirienced than full time drivers who work for one copmany 10 years,because agency drivers work for different companies,do different job and must do more better because can be banned easy.But to full time drivers have absolutely low knowledge about loading and another task.

I stopped reading at “do more better”

The road junction that this happened at has an adverse camber.The trailer will lean heavily to the right as you turn left onto the A60 which is where this driver would have come from. I have been working out of Asda Doncaster for past week. I have had 2 overweight trailers that i refused to take out & 1 overweight on front axle.

so if its an adverse camber he was going too fast, there is no way he should have rolled that.

If that had booze on it, knowing mansfield Woodhouse I bet there was a queue to help with the clean up.
wouldn’t be surprised if the managed to empty half the trailer before the plod arrived.

one of my drivers his wife would have been under that if she had been running 4 seconds late, the front of her car was just in front of his cab :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I have done that run many times for asda out of sth elmsall same route avoiding low bridge and never had any issues with that left turn.

I know it used to be a quick tip at the Mansfield store but never that fast.

Nearly went that way today as well, but glad I didn’t. The turn is a bit odd when coming down the hill especially as the junction seems to be badly designed, although I’d imagine even overloaded it would take some harsh turning to turn over a trailer. Very glad there wasn’t anyone waiting at that crossing or presumably waiting to turn right up Peafield Lane.

Driver might be a bit peeved however as they are only maybe 2 miles from the ASDA.