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This does seem a strange way of quoting a post, although if you use just the reply button then to figure out which post your replied to click the person’s icon and it takes you back to that post.

I suppose it is to cut down on quoting taking up pages and pages when people keep quoting the full post in new posts.

I think it’s total crap. It’s the worst forum I use now.

The old site had an intuitive simplicity. This one is needlessly fussy.

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No, not a fan of the changes. Think it has lost its ease of use is a very fussy layout.

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Ive got a slight glitch here, its when using the apostrophe. See?
Between the Ive and the its there is a font change but the apostrophe I typed in doesnt show. I cant see it with other users though, Ezydrivers post above doesnt show it, but I don`t get this on other sites.
Bit annoying, but not the end of the world.

I find it very difficult to find my way around, other sites I use are much more user friendly, can’t see me using this site much now. I retired from hard work, I don’t need to be reminded of it searching around here.

It appears that the magicians are moving old threads onto the new site. I guess that will please those who are missing the very large (well supported) threads.

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I’m finding it difficult to work out. I only ever use the site on my phone.

Still trying to work out how to "quote " & find out what the hell is a DM ( short for Dr Marten sheas :slight_smile: )

DM Direct Message.
To quote, click reply at bottom of the post you want, rather than the bigger reply at base of thread. In the box you write your message in there is a speech bubble, click on that.

Have you downloaded the specific TN app?

So DM =PM simple why don’t the say simple

KISS Keep It Simple s

Because we live in Post Modern times? :wink:

So somebody jus decided to change it for no real reason

As I said KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid

Can’t find any of the threads I was on before update. Gerbil

It’s like having teeth pulled without anesthetic on here now. It reminds me of awful early attempts by public services websites. Where’s easy human logic of the old TruckNet?

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Ah, the speech bubble should quite like quotes used to be before on “old” TN then.

Where is this speech bubble?
I’m using the app and really struggling. Running out of patience if I’m honest.
I used Tapatalk before and just used to click on unread posts. Simples.
Can’t work out how to do that now. Talk about unnecessarily complicated.
Closest I can find is ‘latest’, but it shows posts I’ve already read.

Hi, Im on computor not on Tapatalk. The speech bubble is on the top of the reply box on the putor version. Someone somewhere said that there is now an app for Trucknet, but I havent looked for it, so dont know myself if that is useful to you.
Hopefully some one who knows more about that version will help you, but at least you have got your question out there!

Being new doesn’t necessarily equate to better.Too early to pass judgements but the old format seemed more than good.The new one seems corporatey, ie souless.Once a driver alwa…etc.