Are you being 'Flashed for Cash?'

Seems to be the new scam on the street, I’m sure this has bee going on much longer by cars flashing in HGV’s at motorway junctions and accelerating

Scamming lone women drivers is one thing but some hairy arsed trucker armed with a forty foot vehicle doing 56mph is quite another.
These jokers are cowards and prey on the vulnerable.

How the hell do they get away with it? Surely you would think that one persons high accident rate would arouse suspicion or is that how this scam has come to light.

How the hell do they get away with it? Surely you would think that one persons high accident rate would arouse suspicion or is that how this scam has come to light.

I’m not too sure, probably the high number of accidents involving people allegedly ‘Flashing’ each other…

This is the one thing that my dash cam couldn’t really prove (Unless it is dark)

More likely gangs operating in certain parts,and a high incidence of ‘He just pulled straight out’ statements coupled with injury claims.

The Government has been raking in £millions ‘Flashing for Cash’ for years seems someone has been inspired and developed a new system. Lot 'o bright people about.

How the hell do they get away with it? Surely you would think that one persons high accident rate would arouse suspicion or is that how this scam has come to light.

Mainly because it is one persons word against another, another reason is that legally flashing your lights means nothing more than “i’m here” by pulling out you are essentially at fault

I dont mind it in the summer, but in the winter my town halls shrivel up to the size of a peanut,
But the Police fines far outweigh any cash thrown at me :blush:

never trust a flasher

I used to collect a lot of cash when I worked on the skips. Carrying +£500 into the office one day, the boss was entertaining a few whistle & flutes. As I handed the cash over I winked & grinned at the flutes, “best ■■■■■■■■ I ever had”, turning back to head honcho “same again next week big boy?”.

Sadly, the cash wasn’t flung back at me with a sense of righteous indignation from the big boss, but it got a few giggles from the flutes.

Simple if it happens tell em you got no insurance,oh dear what a shame never mind then whack the SOB.

I used to collect a lot of cash when I worked on the skips. Carrying +£500 into the office one day, the boss was entertaining a few whistle & flutes. As I handed the cash over I winked & grinned at the flutes, “best ■■■■■■■■ I ever had”, turning back to head honcho “same again next week big boy?”.

Sadly, the cash wasn’t flung back at me with a sense of righteous indignation from the big boss, but it got a few giggles from the flutes.

I have a serious problem here . . . because I did not write this post on Fri Aug 16, 2013.

Could Rikki please explain how it has become part of a recent thread?


I used to collect a lot of cash when I worked on the skips. Carrying +£500 into the office one day, the boss was entertaining a few whistle & flutes. As I handed the cash over I winked & grinned at the flutes, “best ■■■■■■■■ I ever had”, turning back to head honcho “same again next week big boy?”.

Sadly, the cash wasn’t flung back at me with a sense of righteous indignation from the big boss, but it got a few giggles from the flutes.

I have a serious problem here . . . because I did not write this post on Fri Aug 16, 2013.

Could Rikki please explain how it has become part of a recent thread?

What? do you mean you wrote it on another day or you did not write this at all?

What? do you mean you wrote it on another day or you did not write this at all?

I wrote it, but not on the date indicated on the post.

Perhaps something has gone wrong somewhere?

Could be, did you use tapatalk? if it had no connection it could have sent it in at a later time

Could be, did you use tapatalk? if it had no connection it could have sent it in at a later time

Nope, never used tapatalk & never will.

I think Rikki needs to explain how a post I made ‘aeons’ ago has suddenly appeared with a recent date. A date that I know I didn’t type it.

Are posts being recycled for some reason?

Stunning silence !

I think Rikki needs to explain how a post I made ‘aeons’ ago has suddenly appeared with a recent date

Don’t have a clue is the honest answer, cant see anything this end to suggest it wasn’t made on the time and date on the post-
when did you actually make the post?

You were online, on here for a while before and after this post was made on the 16th

As this thread was only started on the 16th it would be impossible to post to it before then, or was this intended for another thread? if so which one?

Are posts being recycled for some reason?

We don’t have the ability too, need to, time to or desire to do this, why would we?

Stunning silence !

Its Friday night and I knocked off work hours ago :wink: am actually on a week off now, but just looked in and spotted this