Are you a knight of the road?

Hi guys and girls have been in the background for a while reading the posts on this fantastic forum…Any how have had my class 1 for about 10 years done alot through agency ,parcel force,fullers,waitrose,etc got in to europe via murfitts in 2000 (paid up member of the caravan club)some times wish was still driving but job security etc. now a patrol for the AA. Was in didcot to attend a wheel change on a renault this morning and when i arrived a driver (scania with a flat bed dont know model or company he drove for)was about half way through my job :smiley: the only thing that stopped him was the wheel corroding to the hub. A copper mallet soon fixed that.The member was well chuffed with the driver that she gave him a fiver tip!!! :open_mouth: so question is would you/have you stopped to help a stranded motorist and what happened■■?
Also thanks to any drivers that gave me a wide berth whilst dealing with a breakdown on the A34 n/bd by east ilsley as there is no hard shoulder. It is more hairy than a motorway. I and every recovery operator/driver appreciate when you guys and girls move over slightly when you pass us …thanks.

i always move over and even change lanes if possible when i see a breakdown van ,but with regards to stopping to help someone out i would,nt. i would stop for an accident however. just incase anyone needed first aid etc.
maybe i would have stopped going back a few years, but not now. its not worth it. not for the hassle, but just because there are a few nutters/smackheads about and you dont know if there intentions are genuine, if you catch my drift. :wink:

Hi Col1n, welcome to Trucknet. Bearing in mind some of the other problems Drivers face, hijack, etc. you have to way a situation up carefully before getting involved these days. Having said that if it is a woman car driver who is clearly alone then I would stop, at least to make sure she was OK, if it was another Trucker, male or female then yes I would stop.

And Yes I too give those parked roadside a widest berth I am able.

sorry forgot was a lady alone…

Yes it depends i guess, if it were a leggy blonde bent over the bonnett of her car looking confused i might have to stop and offer some assistance :wink: :wink:

Or this …

im no mechanic but even i can see the problem here…

The Airbags have gone off!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :stuck_out_tongue:

I was in Tesco’s car park a couple of years back & noticed a car with a flat tyre. The lady that got out was disabled, and when she came back I pointed out to her the problem. She was very grateful, especially when I offered to change the wheel. It took me all of about 5 minutes to get her going and she gave me a fiver (which I did feel awkward about taking, but it’s sometimes ruder to turn it down).

I wouldn’t have considered NOT helping out.

I am a Knight of the road all the time, (Is that a faint truppet i hear in the background?)

I usually help you lot out when you break your motors :laughing:

I have in the past be known to stop and help someone,

One a recall recently on my way home, long blind sweeping curve on a fast dual carraigeway, passed a lone woman broken down right on the bend, then my brain started ticking,

Getting dark, Lone Woman, What if I did not stop, Would an ambulance pass me the other way, So I sprung into action, turned around at the next island and returned, pulled up so traffic could see my strobe lights from afar, and went to see if I could help, she said she had run out of diesel, (so many comments could be made here!) Then her Other half turned up with some fuel and we got it started and on our way,

I do agree though I have to have a gut feeling that I must help before I stop, there are that many nutters about now, Such a shame really that people would 9 times out of 10 drive past rather than stop,

As col1n has said us breakdown people really do appriecate it when you give us some space, I will often raise my hand when I can see someone has made the effort

I find that it is the car drivers that are the worst offenders for not seeing us,

I have had a breakdown on the crest of a hill, the wagon was about 200 yrds down the other side, so I pull up and decide to block one lane of a dual c/way off to be the safest way of doing things, So the van gets left in the middle of the lane right on top of the hill, so it can be seen a long way off, I also has more lights on it than a christmas tree, :laughing:

Then put 10 cones out behind my van so the furthest cone would be 300 yrds from the back of my vehicle, I had to wait for the heavy recovery boys to turn up, usually we bugger off and leave them to wait for them but in the interest of safety i elected to stay with him, so i walk to the back of my van and keep an eye on the traffic, less than 30 seconds go by and the first car comes up and brakes, brakes, brakes and there is nothing to her (yes It was) right but instead she decides to demolish a couple of cones instead before changing lanes,

The standard of driving is trerrible, now and I makes me wonder what is happening whislt I’m working on the wagons and I’m not watching the traffic, I can see it soon that either two vans wil have to go in the future one to do the job and one to watch my back, or we will have to double man the vans

Rant over,

im no mechanic but even i can see the problem here…

The Airbags have gone off!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :stuck_out_tongue:

They are definately not home grown!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Yes it depends i guess, if it were a leggy blonde bent over the bonnett of her car looking confused i might have to stop and offer some assistance :wink: :wink:

I would do the same…although I wouldn’t be much use as my mechanical knowledge is as useful as a knife at a gun convention.

Or this …

As for that well, I test any red blooded male not to stop. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:


has she got a flat tire :wink:

that looks like one of them new inflatable jacks. i volunteer to pump it up :wink:

that looks like one of them new inflatable jacks. i volunteer to pump it up :wink:

looks like it’s already inflated past the maxiimum safe limit :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

I would always stop to help a lady in distress!!

If I stopped tomorrow, it wouldn’t be the first time I have changed a wheel for a lady on the roadside. I only do it because I know I am a lot safer than some of the nutters out there and would never be able to live with it if something happened to someone I had knowingly driven past.

I always move over to give recovery lads room - that job must be well scary enough!

I might stop if I thought that the other driver was vulnerable, and it was safe to do so. But it would also depend on what was in my trailer.

I had an attempted hijack last year - and it makes you think twice where you stop!

I nearly stopped last weekend for an impending car fire on a slip road onto the M5; however, someone else was already stopped, and it was too late for me to be properly useful (stop before the incident in lane 1 to force traffic into the RH lane away from the fire if it developed) - by the time I realised what was happening, I was too close to pull up before the incident.