For the millionth time , tractors, old Biddies and mopeds don’t have their own personal highway.
End of - I’m bored now.
For the millionth time , tractors, old Biddies and mopeds don’t have their own personal highway.
End of - I’m bored now.
I’ve been watching this tread to see how long it would take to get off topic & into bickering, 2 pages, not bad.
I commute daily through Newcastle. It’s a 16km ride one way & depending on how I feel, up to a 34 km trip home. Day off Saturday & a longish ride, 60 to 100 kms, on Sunday. The vast majority of road users give me plenty room with no hassle. About once a week I will get someone shouting at me to get off the road, “road tax” being the usual gripe. Every day someone will get so close i think they want a lift on the crossbar but ive noticed, its all sexes, ages & races. I put it down to a lack of concentration. I’ve been knocked off 3 times, once while on a roundabout & twice by cars that went past me at speed, braked hard & turned left in front of me. In all cases the driver said they did not see me. On my commute I come across about 300mtrs of cycle lane which I do use.
I ride because I enjoy it, yes I actually like cycling. It keeps me fit & saves me money, I use the car once a week. I drive a truck to make money, not a fortune but enough for me & mine to get by. I’m not in a club, part of a conspiracy or a member of any cycling organisation.
To me the fact that someone is on a bike is irrelevant, if you are a ■■■■ on a bike there’s a very good chance you will be one behind the wheel.
Pedestrians,horse riders and bicycle riders use roads by right.Motorised road users are on the roads by license,those are the facts.Some cycle paths are not fit for purpose consequently they dont get much use.
Pedestrians,horse riders and bicycle riders use roads by right.Motorised road users are on the roads by license,those are the facts.Some cycle paths are not fit for purpose consequently they dont get much use.
Absolutely correct.
your one of the few what are insured and sounds of your a responsible cyclistm apart from lying saying your bike is checked regulaly by a govering body like vosa for cars and trucks
You didn’t say by a governing body, you said
Is your bike routinely checked that it and it’s rider are in a road worth condition?
To which I replied YES. My bike is routinely checked, in fact, it’s also REGULARLY and FREQUENTLY checked.
So, not lying.
I’m more than capable of maintaining and servicing all of my own vehicles which include cars, motorcycles and pushbikes, they are not rocket science and a damned site less work than a car or a truck.
surly you should agree that you having the RIGHT to use the road excludes your right to use the pavement
That’s a weird legal thing that I don’t get involved in, but sometimes it’s legal to use the pavement and sometimes it’s not, it’s been like a yoyo for years.
I use the pavement if it’s clear and I’m going up a hill where my speed may be down to 4 -7 mph, especially if there’s bollards in the middle of the road (for whatever reason they’re put there), but if there’s pedestrians on the path, then back onto the road I must go unless it’s a really wide path and the pedestrians seem to be aware and ok with me staying on the pavement.
If I have to use the roads (which I try and avoid due to the idiots that HAVE sat tests to prove their competence yet are still unknowledgeable of road rules and laws and mostly incompetent behind the wheel to boot) then I use the roads and obey all rules and regulations including red lights etc.
As others have repeatedly pointed out, a muppet on a bike will be a muppet in a car or on foot or in a truck etc. They’re known as muppets, not cyclists
I think you’ll find more cyclists than you think are insured, as I pointed out above, it’s a very tiny amount of money (still a rip off in my opinion though) that covers 3rd parties but also covers my legal assistance and also personal injury, so if someone did knock me off and I couldn’t work for a week, I’d still have money coming in to pay the bills.
The road tax issue always makes me laugh, but I have noted that you didn’t bring it up so I’ll skip it
I’m a cyclist. I try to cycle every day, a) to try and keep a bit fit, b)it’s absolutely quicker to get to work, and, c) it saves a drop of petrol. On top of cycling to work, I cycle to my allotment, and into town for the odd errands.
The most hazardous vehicles to me are just about everything in it’s own turn, including fellow cyclists.
In short, to stand an average chance of survival, one really has to treat with suspicion, all other road users.
I’m a cyclist. I try to cycle every day, a) to try and keep a bit fit, b)it’s absolutely quicker to get to work, and, c) it saves a drop of petrol. On top of cycling to work, I cycle to my allotment, and into town for the odd errands.
The most hazardous vehicles to me are just about everything in it’s own turn, including fellow cyclists.
In short, to stand an average chance of survival, one really has to treat with suspicion, all other road users.
^^^^^ what he said
There s no group that are worse than others, all have bad and not so bad with the very occasional good driver
I’ve been watching this tread to see how long it would take to get off topic & into bickering, 2 pages, not bad.
I commute daily through Newcastle. It’s a 16km ride one way & depending on how I feel, up to a 34 km trip home. Day off Saturday & a longish ride, 60 to 100 kms, on Sunday. The vast majority of road users give me plenty room with no hassle. About once a week I will get someone shouting at me to get off the road, “road tax” being the usual gripe. Every day someone will get so close i think they want a lift on the crossbar but ive noticed, its all sexes, ages & races. I put it down to a lack of concentration. I’ve been knocked off 3 times, once while on a roundabout & twice by cars that went past me at speed, braked hard & turned left in front of me. In all cases the driver said they did not see me. On my commute I come across about 300mtrs of cycle lane which I do use.
I ride because I enjoy it, yes I actually like cycling. It keeps me fit & saves me money, I use the car once a week. I drive a truck to make money, not a fortune but enough for me & mine to get by. I’m not in a club, part of a conspiracy or a member of any cycling organisation.
To me the fact that someone is on a bike is irrelevant, if you are a [zb] on a bike there’s a very good chance you will be one behind the wheel.
I agree with a lot of this but two points are very different for me.
It’s not the same for all ages, races and sexes. We’ll never be allowed to discuss it though, experience means nothing in a PC society.
The fact that someone is on a bike absolutely is relevant. I’m a very different person depending on what I’m riding or driving, wondering if others are too?
Yesterday, I followed a lycra boy for two miles on a single (very busy) carriageway. There was no way I could safely get round him.Whats the kicker? - yup, a cycle way that he could use 4 feet across to his left. Selfish and inconsiderate of other road users and they wonder why they get so much stick
Holding up a truck and twenty + cars.
Totally agree mate nothing ■■■■■■ me off more than being stuck behind a lycra clad retarded when there is a perfectly good cycle path they could use. As a horse rider I pull in as soon as there is a safe passing place, shame the same cant be said for cyclists which are often impossible to pass when driving anything other than a car
Totally agree mate nothing ■■■■■■ me off more than being stuck behind a lycra clad retarded
Unable to use the correct tense of ■■■■■■.
Well done you.
Yesterday, I followed a lycra boy for two miles on a single (very busy) carriageway. There was no way I could safely get round him.Whats the kicker? - yup, a cycle way that he could use 4 feet across to his left. Selfish and inconsiderate of other road users and they wonder why they get so much stick
Holding up a truck and twenty + cars.
Totally agree mate nothing ■■■■■■ me off more than being stuck behind a lycra clad retarded when there is a perfectly good cycle path they could use. As a horse rider I pull in as soon as there is a safe passing place, shame the same cant be said for cyclists which are often impossible to pass when driving anything other than a car
Why are some so narrow minded? There are cyclists that do not have any sense,there are lorry drivers with no sense,there are car drivers with no sense,there are horse riders with no sense.
Anyway anyone that takes a horse on the road is asking for trouble and it is cruel as well in my opnion.Risk your own life but do not put an innocent animal at risk from all the senseless drivers on our roads.
waynedl wrote:
So, why would any cyclist use them when they have the RIGHT to use the road, MORE RIGHT TO THE ROAD THAN YOU IN FACT!!!This is where the problem comes
Are you insured? YES! And it’s under £20 per year for 3rd party liability insurance - I also get personal injury thrown in for free along with legal protection
Whos that with Buddy, like the sound of that, Do they do multibike?
waynedl wrote:
So, why would any cyclist use them when they have the RIGHT to use the road, MORE RIGHT TO THE ROAD THAN YOU IN FACT!!!This is where the problem comes
Are you insured? YES! And it’s under £20 per year for 3rd party liability insurance - I also get personal injury thrown in for free along with legal protectionWhos that with Buddy, like the sound of that, Do they do multibike?
I’d be up for a bit of that too.
Totally agree mate nothing ■■■■■■ me off more than being stuck behind a lycra clad retardedUnable to use the correct tense of ■■■■■■.
Well done you.
Predictive text
Yesterday, I followed a lycra boy for two miles on a single (very busy) carriageway. There was no way I could safely get round him.Whats the kicker? - yup, a cycle way that he could use 4 feet across to his left. Selfish and inconsiderate of other road users and they wonder why they get so much stick
Holding up a truck and twenty + cars.
Totally agree mate nothing ■■■■■■ me off more than being stuck behind a lycra clad retarded when there is a perfectly good cycle path they could use. As a horse rider I pull in as soon as there is a safe passing place, shame the same cant be said for cyclists which are often impossible to pass when driving anything other than a car
Why are some so narrow minded? There are cyclists that do not have any sense,there are lorry drivers with no sense,there are car drivers with no sense,there are horse riders with no sense.
Anyway anyone that takes a horse on the road is asking for trouble and it is cruel as well in my opnion.Risk your own life but do not put an innocent animal at risk from all the senseless drivers on our roads.
Beleive me if i had a choice i wouldnt ride on the roads but until i win the lottery and can afford a private estate i have no other option! As for it being cruel thats a little over the top! Its no different to taking your family for a walk or the dog on the same B roads i mainly ride on.
waynedl wrote:
So, why would any cyclist use them when they have the RIGHT to use the road, MORE RIGHT TO THE ROAD THAN YOU IN FACT!!!This is where the problem comes
Are you insured? YES! And it’s under £20 per year for 3rd party liability insurance - I also get personal injury thrown in for free along with legal protectionWhos that with Buddy, like the sound of that, Do they do multibike?
I’d be up for a bit of that too.
I’m with a company called ETA, get a small discount for being with them for years and for doing a few courses + being a HGV Driver and a few other bits, but I’m pretty sure it was only around £25 for the 1st year and then drops.
As for the multi bike bit, I’m not sure, only got 1 bike, but I don’t think they asked for any identifying features, so can’t see how it can be restricted?? Ask them
waynedl wrote:
So, why would any cyclist use them when they have the RIGHT to use the road, MORE RIGHT TO THE ROAD THAN YOU IN FACT!!!This is where the problem comes
Are you insured? YES! And it’s under £20 per year for 3rd party liability insurance - I also get personal injury thrown in for free along with legal protectionWhos that with Buddy, like the sound of that, Do they do multibike?
I’d be up for a bit of that too.
I’m with a company called ETA, get a small discount for being with them for years and for doing a few courses + being a HGV Driver and a few other bits, but I’m pretty sure it was only around £25 for the 1st year and then drops.
As for the multi bike bit, I’m not sure, only got 1 bike, but I don’t think they asked for any identifying features, so can’t see how it can be restricted?? Ask them
Cheers, will have a look later