Are you a cyclist?

A lot of cycle lanes are badly designed and dangerous for cyclists - it seems Councils put them in to satisfy targets without regard for practicality. It’s difficult to see that from a truck, but you find it out on a bike.

Yesterday, I followed a lycra boy for two miles on a single (very busy) carriageway. There was no way I could safely get round him.

Whats the kicker? - yup, a cycle way that he could use 4 feet across to his left. Selfish and inconsiderate of other road users and they wonder why they get so much stick

Holding up a truck and twenty + cars.


Yesterday, I followed a lycra boy for two miles on a single (very busy) carriageway. There was no way I could safely get round him.

Whats the kicker? - yup, a cycle way that he could use 4 feet across to his left. Selfish and inconsiderate of other road users and they wonder why they get so much stick

Holding up a truck and twenty + cars.


Seriously mate, chill ffs. You’d have lost MINUTES in total at the most.

It’s not stationary, it’s moving, and you might be stuck behind it for a couple of mins MAX before you blow a gasket and murder the poor sod.

I can’t believe how many truck and bus drivers have this issue with cyclists (and horses as a rule - oh, and pedestrians too), it’s bloody unbelievable. I wouldn’t let half of you push a shopping trolley, never mind drive my truck.

The roads are for sharing, pedestrians, cyclists and horses all have a RIGHT to use the road, you have a licenced privilege to share the roads with them.

It is YOUR responsibility to be as safe as possible, sure, there are some ■■■■■■■ organ donor types that’ll cut up the inside of a left turning vehicle, or after you’ve struggled to pass them for miles, they’ll squeeze past at the set of lights you’ve had to stop at because you was stuck behind them and then they’ll jump them on red and force you to struggle past again - rinse and repeat for journey.
But, these same morons would still be morons in a car or any other form of transport, it’s not because they’re cyclists, it’s because they’re ■■■■ heads.

Yesterday, I followed a lycra boy for two miles on a single (very busy) carriageway. There was no way I could safely get round him.

Whats the kicker? - yup, a cycle way that he could use 4 feet across to his left. Selfish and inconsiderate of other road users and they wonder why they get so much stick

Holding up a truck and twenty + cars.


But it’s ok for LGVs doing 40mph to hold up many+ cars.

Exactly right wayned.There is little or no patience on our roads these days.It is just like when you are sticking to 30mph in a 30 limit you get the car lorry or bus driver sitting right on your tail because he wants to go faster and he or she seems to think they have the right to harrass you for obeying the speed limit…These are the sort of DH’S as you put it that need sorting out.
It is also amazing how people exagerate.Stuck behind a cyclist for 2 miles.Probably more like 200 hundred yards.
Unfortunately the hatred for cyclists on here shows the bad attitudes of some drivers.

rob k. you were the one to make false accusations against me on another thread but then you ignore my reply and fail to answer.
I would say you are completely incapable of carrying out a proper discussion.You either resort to abuse or put a meaningless answer with a few smiley faces…Dear oh dear.


Yesterday, I followed a lycra boy for two miles on a single (very busy) carriageway. There was no way I could safely get round him.

Whats the kicker? - yup, a cycle way that he could use 4 feet across to his left. Selfish and inconsiderate of other road users and they wonder why they get so much stick

Holding up a truck and twenty + cars.


But it’s ok for LGVs doing 40mph to hold up many+ cars.

Chester did it ever occur to you that the LGV might be sticking to the speed limit?
Normally in this type of situation it is not the lorry doing 40 that is causing the problem.The problem arises because all the vehicles following behind are far too close to each other leaving no room for anyone to make a safe pass.
Selfish driving is the problem and maybe a little ignorance.

“I was meaning” truckers on here moaning that cycles hold them up!!on the flip Side trucks hold more people eg car drivers over much longer distances.

Seems to be a angry Iam a trucker get out of my way attitude on here!

Just because your in a truck doesn’t mean your journey is more importants than the cyclists does it?

Every road user gets held up at some point by another road user, using perhaps a different mode of travel. Just because one has a engine doesn’t give it any more right out on the roads.
Yes 40mph maybe the fastest a truck can go on some roads, but its still holding people up.
At the moment they is no speed limits for cycles.

Nice one Chester - neatly disregard the fact that the cyclist has had a dedicated right of way provided for him by the tax payer for everybodies safety and convenience.

So, as I have said once and will repeat, selfish.

Whenever I ride my bicycle, I try to use the Redways in Milton Keynes as much as possible, safest way to get around. If I have to use the road, I will ride 2ft to 3ft from the edge- this achieves 2 things-
1, Reduces the chance of getting punctures.
2, Stops Impatient Numpties in whatever they are driving, getting too close & gives you a small safety lane to move into when said Numpty decides to attempt the stupid overtakes, even when there isn’t enough room. (If I’m holding anyone up, I will pull over ASAP so as not to cause too much aggravation).
I won’t ride on duel carriageways, too many have died around here on the A5. Cyclists @ 10-15mph Versus 1 ton + Steel Boxes @ 70-80mph.(the steel boxes win every time !)

Nice one Chester - neatly disregard the fact that the cyclist has had a dedicated right of way provided for him by the tax payer for everybodies safety and convenience.

So, as I have said once and will repeat, selfish.

They have the RIGHT to use the road, as has already been mentioned, most cycle lanes / paths across the UK are badly designed and dangerous, only ever built / painted as a box ticking exercise.

So, why would any cyclist use them when they have the RIGHT to use the road, MORE RIGHT TO THE ROAD THAN YOU IN FACT!!!

Need I continue?

Your first picture actually makes a lot of sense and if the picture was zoomed out you could see why.
If there’s a path on the other side of the road the rider has a refuge to turn into instead of trying to look 180 degrees behind them for approaching traffic.

You should see what they’ve done in Brighton regarding the cycle lanes. The city has been carved up by a green council hell bent on banishing the car. All they’ve done is make it more dangerous to cycle and doubled congestion.

Just down the road from my Dad’s house they have those half circles in the first picture. They’re really good, I always use them when I cross the A45. I ride vastly off road but I’ve a road bike too. I probably do between 15-30 miles a week, commuting is out of the question. I’ve just came back from a week of downhilling in Morzine.
When I do go out on my road bike I only ever go on country lanes as they are so quiet, I often see one car in maybe two miles. I never go on busy, fast, narrow roads. The only issue I have with other vehicles is that some cars/vans go too close when they go past and often there’s no other traffic coming the other way (done on purpose) and the other thing is people who overtake when a vehicle is coming towards us so it means they go past me at the same time a car is coming towards them giving me less room.
Only had one problem with a lorry, a class one tanker delivering down a very narrow lane. Came up behind me and got really close so I let him past when I could pull over, he then decided to go about the same speed I had been going

Nice one Chester - neatly disregard the fact that the cyclist has had a dedicated right of way provided for him by the tax payer for everybodies safety and convenience.

So, as I have said once and will repeat, selfish.

I have never ever condoned the actions of cyclists who don’t use dedicated rights of way?

I think it’s truckers personally who can’t share roads with other road users which are selfish!

waynedl wrote:
So, why would any cyclist use them when they have the RIGHT to use the road, MORE RIGHT TO THE ROAD THAN YOU IN FACT!!!

This is where the problem comes
Are you insured?
Is your bike routinely checked that it and it’s rider are in a road worth condition?
Do you have study the highway code then tested to ride a bike on the road?
Do you have to do a hazard perception test to use the road?
Are you tested that you meet the minimum safe standard to be on the road?

is the answer to all of the above no?

So why in a legal sense do you have more right to be on or use the roads when that is the basic requirements to use a car on the road? let alone a truck where you have to do more test and more training.
Who’s more qualified and in a lawful state more just to be on the road?
problem is new laws are written to add to the old ones and as time change so has the road network and speeds which hasn’t been updated
This is where things are wrong Cyclist should have to pass a test and meet the same basic requirement of other vehicles before there allowed to share the road with other motor vehicles

(and that last picture makes sense if you zoom out cause chances are its at traffic lights any moron can provide a set of cropped photos to try to make there point)

^^ lemming the other one follows after the first nearly dies
In a event like that who pays for the respray of that bus and that pick up?

Like all road users there are sensible cyclists and downright daft people on bikes. I was coming through Hereford around 5pm last Wednesday and there was a bloke on a bike weaving in and out of the traffic,first nearside of a vehicle and then going past on the offside and kept doing this for about half a mile. Those are the sort of people who give the sensible cyclists a bad name.

Liked the pics, Chester, but the one that this prat could use wasn’t anything like those!

If a cycleway wasn’t available for this bloke to use, I wouldn’t have a problem - we all have places to go by whatever means that we choose to take but to deliberately not use a facility clearly provided for him was out of order - maybe some day an impatient car/trucker driver won’t patiently wait behind him and simply push past somehow…with perhaps an unhappy ending which nobody wants.

He should have been nicked for causing an obstruction, 18 mph in a 40 zone.

Maybe we should drive on the cycle ways when we feel like it - you can imagine the hoo-hah if we tried that one :laughing: :laughing:

Rob K:


Rob K:
What’s this? Cyclistnet? :unamused: This is trucknet (clue is in the title) :bulb: . There are plenty of cyclist forums to cater for rants/complaints/moans. :bulb:

The OP is asking about truck drivers that also cycle(clue is in the title) It seems quite a relevant question considering all the animosity between cyclists and truck drivers.
You clearly seem to have trouble understanding plain English.

I thought you had me on ignore, remember? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Fail.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


waynedl wrote:
So, why would any cyclist use them when they have the RIGHT to use the road, MORE RIGHT TO THE ROAD THAN YOU IN FACT!!!

This is where the problem comes
Are you insured? YES! And it’s under £20 per year for 3rd party liability insurance - I also get personal injury thrown in for free along with legal protection
Is your bike routinely checked that it and it’s rider are in a road worth condition? YES!
Do you have study the highway code then tested to ride a bike on the road? No, but you didn’t either when you were a child… Most do study the highway code though - Pedestrians also don’t need to study the highway code, but some do
Do you have to do a hazard perception test to use the road? No, because cyclists do not have to sit a test to use the road, they have the RIGHT to it
Are you tested that you meet the minimum safe standard to be on the road? See above :unamused:

is the answer to all of the above no?

So why in a legal sense do you have more right to be on or use the roads when that is the basic requirements to use a car on the road? let alone a truck where you have to do more test and more training. Because cyclists, pedestrians and horses have the RIGHT to use the road, the rest have a licenced privilege to share the use of the road, I’ve already told you that :unamused:
Who’s more qualified and in a lawful state more just to be on the road?
problem is new laws are written to add to the old ones and as time change so has the road network and speeds which hasn’t been updated
This is where things are wrong Cyclist should have to pass a test and meet the same basic requirement of other vehicles before there allowed to share the road with other motor vehicles
Most people start on cycles at a young age as an alternative to walking, they’re taught by their parents. Do you really want to take the option of cycling instead of walking off a child because you’re an impatient self important ■■■■■ Personally, I’d track muppets like you down and take your licence because you’re a danger to everyone around you.

(and that last picture makes sense if you zoom out cause chances are its at traffic lights any moron can provide a set of cropped photos to try to make there point)
They are just some of the pics on the internet, we’ve all seen ridiculous cycle lanes, and are you telling me those with the bollards in the middle of the cycle lanes are skilfully cropped?? :unamused:
^^ lemming the other one follows after the first nearly dies
In a event like that who pays for the respray of that bus and that pick up?

2 points, I never claimed every cyclist is a decent cyclist or a decent person, the same as every car driver, truck driver, motorcyclist, bus driver, tractor driver etc etc, they are people… All are different, individual and unique. All I told you is that the cyclist has the RIGHT to use the road. I know some are complete ■■■■, some get on my nerves too, very often, especially on some of the roads I use, but when I calculate how much time I really lose, it’s virtually none, might waste a bit of extra diesel.
point 2: I have insurance as do a lot of cyclists, partly to cover others against any ■■■■ up we make, but mostly to cover ourselves against morons like you, personal injury and legal assistance

Liked the pics, Chester, but the one that this prat could use wasn’t anything like those!

If a cycleway wasn’t available for this bloke to use, I wouldn’t have a problem - we all have places to go by whatever means that we choose to take but to deliberately not use a facility clearly provided for him was out of order - maybe some day an impatient car/trucker driver won’t patiently wait behind him and simply push past somehow…with perhaps an unhappy ending which nobody wants.

He should have been nicked for causing an obstruction, 18 mph in a 40 zone.

Maybe we should drive on the cycle ways when we feel like it - you can imagine the hoo-hah if we tried that one :laughing: :laughing:

It’s hardly an obstruction, it’s no worse than an old biddy driving her Micra, 18mph is pretty good going actually, wish I could sustain that.

Chill dude, 18mph in a 40mph LIMIT, so you’re losing a max of 22mph over how long were you behind him? A minute? 2■■ Seriously, no exaggeration here…

So, you’d lost approx. 1/3rd of a mile of progress maybe? Let’s be really really generous and say you’d lost a full mile… End of the world? Worth considering killing over? Worth blowing a gasket over?

I’d hate to see it if you get stuck behind a tractor or a biddy taking their classic car out on a Sunday or a moped on a national speed limit road :unamused:

Your missing my point Waynedl which isn’t an attack at all cyclists which is yes they are sensible ones like there’s crazy car drivers but there is some regulation for them to use the old any old maniac with a death with can buy a rotten falling to bits old push bike hop on the road or ride on the path choose which laws they obey (your one of the few what are insured and sounds of your a responsible cyclistm apart from lying saying your bike is checked regulaly by a govering body like vosa for cars and trucks) Kids don’t tend to be the problem on bikes its normally 20+ males and females in Lycra who think cause they’ve got the RIGHT to be there everyone else is wrong. I’m not saying all accidents are the cyclists fault but there is a certain lack of mutual respect on both parts

Yes I think kids (teach it in schools) and adults should have to take CBT sort of test and a multi answer test on the highway code and even a special bit on HGV’s and the space they need (as too car drivers too) then we will see a big reduction in accidents on the road involving cyclists also number plates for bikes wouldn’t be a bad thing neither so there is a come back for cyclists

I still think your response is very aggressive though

I’d track muppets like you down and take your licence because you’re a danger to everyone around you.

I’ve trained for my licence and was tested to be a safe standed unlike a cyclist how am I a danger to everyone around me for wanting cyclists to take a test to be able to use something what move up to speeds of 30+mph and is dangerous to a pedestrians especially someone with no TRAINING or clue of the highway code

point 2: I have insurance as do a lot of cyclists, partly to cover others against any ■■■■ up we make, but mostly to cover ourselves against morons like you, personal injury and legal assistance

I’ve never hit a cyclist, I always given them plenty of room & I’ve had more then my fair share of them coming down the left hand side when I turn left or sit in blind spots but I always double check my mirrors but why do you need cover against

a moron like me

? how does having a view that cyclists need training as that will help stop alot of deaths make me a bad driver and a moron?

They are just some of the pics on the internet, we’ve all seen ridiculous cycle lanes, and are you telling me those with the bollards in the middle of the cycle lanes are skilfully cropped?? :unamused:

Is your bike 6ft wide? if you can’t avoid a bollard on a pavement a good 3ft across why are you riding a bike? or are you telling me 2 bikes can’t pass each other on that big bit on the left or don’t cyclist give way to each other neither?
i’m not saying all cycle lanes are perfect as all roads arn’t perfect what I was getting at is Why in busy citys when there are cycle lanes there do cyclists decide to fly across to the middle of the road fly between traffic and jump the traffic lights?
or use the pavement when there is a perfectly acceptable cycle lane
before you personally attack me again I’m not pointing my finger at you I’m just saying alot of cyclist have the same attitude I have a RIGHT to use this road and I will use it however I choose

Pedestrians don’t need to learn it as they only move about 5mph and if they run into each other its not really going to be fatal is it? if you don’t agree with the testing thing surly you should agree that you having the RIGHT to use the road excludes your right to use the pavement