Are personal attacks allowed on this forum now?

There was this post, I feel it’s offensive to me: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=93605&start=30&p=1348923&view=show#p1348923

I wanted to report it but after I clicked “report” button, I was informed that post has been already reported. It says “I wouldn’t even ■■■■ on you even if you were on fire”. Btw: two posts up, the same user said “■■■■ off” to me, I don’t think that is allowed, otherwise he would not have to spell it incorrectly to avoid autocenzor.

Mike-C came, and locked the whole thread. I PM’ed him that there is still that post that should be dealt with.

He came and…

…he edited the quote, leaving the abusive bit as it was.

I think that goes deep below any bottoms of the Moderation standards. Moderator should be impartial, and no matter if he likes me or not, if he agrees with me or not, he should react to the abuse like that. Especially that obviously I am not the only one who finds this post crossing the lane, as it wasn’t me who reported it first.

I saw people landing on pre-mod here for smaller things. I would be happy to hear what other mods think about that situation.


I started a new thread related to weather only, in which I was attacked by the same user calling me - according to the Urban Dictionary - “the most offensive word in English language”.

I reported the POST and as a result, the whole thread was deleted without a trace.

With moderation like that, I am practically unable to use the forum, as whenever I go, the user in question can follow me and call me names, and if I report it, the whole thread might be removed, leaving no trace that somehow was behaving towards me in unacceptable way. I think it brings a shadow on the forum, as it might look like I am just not welcome here any more, as the unacceptable behaviour towards me is just sweeped under the carpet by mod. I have honestly say that it was my first thought, but Mike-C explained to me his decision, and altough I am not happy with his style of moderation, I accept his point of view. But since it still might be seen like that, I think the other ways of dealing with the abuse towards me should be delivered.

It’s true, that I like to participate in off-topic discussion and I am more than happy to bust some myths about Eastern Europe that pops in here and there, regardless of the context, but this is the only sin of mine. I don’t think I broke any rule, and my post when I refered to adventures of certain member of this forum, that made him unhappy and was later removed is, as far as I remember, the only post that was edited and I was warned about (and, in that case, I also do not agree with the mods, as I did nothing wrong refering to publicly available article on other website related to the topic of the discussion, but I respect mods decision).

So since I can be polite and avoid personal attacks after I crap I take it, for sure it can be also expected from other users, and forced if necessary?

There was this post, I feel it’s offensive to me: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=93605&start=30&p=1348923&view=show#p1348923

I wanted to report it but after I clicked “report” button, I was informed that post has been already reported. It says “I wouldn’t even ■■■■ on you even if you were on fire”. Btw: two posts up, the same user said “[zb] off” to me, I don’t think that is allowed, otherwise he would not have to spell it incorrectly to avoid autocenzor.

Mike-C came, and locked the whole thread. I PM’ed him that there is still that post that should be dealt with.

He came and…

…he edited the quote, leaving the abusive bit as it was.

I think that goes deep below any bottoms of the Moderation standards. Moderator should be impartial, and no matter if he likes me or not, if he agrees with me or not, he should react to the abuse like that. Especially that obviously I am not the only one who finds this post crossing the lane, as it wasn’t me who reported it first.

I saw people landing on pre-mod here for smaller things. I would be happy to hear what other mods think about that situation.

Personal attacks are not allowed. However in this case his remarks to you are ‘offensive’, we don’t have a rule where we can stop ‘offense’. I’ve been called a [zb] on here myself and whilst it doesn’t make anything right, i generally ignore them. I cannot stop or prevent you feeling offended, full stop.
For your information the post was reported NOT because anyone reported ‘offense’, it was reported because they where sick and tired of YOU and Carryfast and some others who continue to derail threads with the socio/ethnic/political ■■■■■■■■ that go on for post after post after post.
When i need you to tell me when i need or don’t need to lock a thread i’ll start asking you, in the meantime i’ll make my own descisions on when to lock them, whether or not we’re about to get back to winter or whatever the topic is.

Could you provide a link to the forum rules please?

It’s on the top:

The bit we are interested it is Rule 3:
Rule 3 No bad language, racism, or other downright 'orrible stuff. This includes content in images and videos The quickest way to find out if a word is allowed or not is to include it in a posting, and if the auto censor gets it, it is not allowed.
Re-spelling or doctoring a word to get it past the censor does NOT suddenly make the word allowable.
Rule 3 also covers Personal Attacks. Attack the post but not the poster.

There was this post, I feel it’s offensive to me: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=93605&start=30&p=1348923&view=show#p1348923

I wanted to report it but after I clicked “report” button, I was informed that post has been already reported. It says “I wouldn’t even ■■■■ on you even if you were on fire”. Btw: two posts up, the same user said “[zb] off” to me, I don’t think that is allowed, otherwise he would not have to spell it incorrectly to avoid autocenzor.

Mike-C came, and locked the whole thread. I PM’ed him that there is still that post that should be dealt with.

He came and…

…he edited the quote, leaving the abusive bit as it was.

I think that goes deep below any bottoms of the Moderation standards. Moderator should be impartial, and no matter if he likes me or not, if he agrees with me or not, he should react to the abuse like that. Especially that obviously I am not the only one who finds this post crossing the lane, as it wasn’t me who reported it first.

I saw people landing on pre-mod here for smaller things. I would be happy to hear what other mods think about that situation.


I started a new thread related to weather only, in which I was attacked by the same user calling me - according to the Urban Dictionary - “the most offensive word in English language”.

I reported the POST and as a result, the whole thread was deleted without a trace.

With moderation like that, I am practically unable to use the forum, as whenever I go, the user in question can follow me and call me names, and if I report it, the whole thread might be removed, leaving no trace that somehow was behaving towards me in unacceptable way. I think it brings a shadow on the forum, as it might look like I am just not welcome here any more, as the unacceptable behaviour towards me is just sweeped under the carpet by mod. I have honestly say that it was my first thought, but Mike-C explained to me his decision, and altough I am not happy with his style of moderation, I accept his point of view. But since it still might be seen like that, I think the other ways of dealing with the abuse towards me should be delivered.

It’s true, that I like to participate in off-topic discussion and I am more than happy to bust some myths about Eastern Europe that pops in here and there, regardless of the context, but this is the only sin of mine. I don’t think I broke any rule, and my post when I refered to adventures of certain member of this forum, that made him unhappy and was later removed is, as far as I remember, the only post that was edited and I was warned about (and, in that case, I also do not agree with the mods, as I did nothing wrong refering to publicly available article on other website related to the topic of the discussion, but I respect mods decision).

So since I can be polite and avoid personal attacks after I crap I take it, for sure it can be also expected from other users, and forced if necessary?

Just pre-empting this reply for you :

[zb] off if you don’t like it here. We had 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 unique visitors just in the past 5 minutes, an increase of 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 unique visitors on the 5 minutes that preceeded it, therefore that proves I am an internet God at running a web forum and anyone that complains at the way my site is run is automatically wrong and now you’re going on pre-mod.

Surely this is relevant as well:

Baiting other members
Posting simply to get a rise out of another/other members will simply lead to the poster no longer being able to post without their posts being scrutinised first no warnings- it will just happen.
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.


"Rob K:
Just pre-empting this reply for you :

[zb] off if you don’t like it here. We had 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 unique visitors just in the past 5 minutes, an increase of 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 unique visitors on the 5 minutes that preceeded it, therefore that proves I am an internet God at running a web forum and anyone that complains at the way my site is run is automatically wrong and now you’re going on pre-mod.

That’s so helpful, I don’t know how we’d manage without you :wink:

Getting back on topic, The moderator team work together on these things so you won’t get different opinions from us! We are also volunteers and have things like work that mean we can’t sit here all day sorting out arguments ! (I’m writing this on my phone while finishing a break ! )
The only other thing I can add is that we trust each other to moderate the forums when no one else is around, and I fully support Mike in the way he has moderated the relevant thread . Of course there may be further action taken after we have discussed it in the mods forum.