
sorry to the guy who was driving white scania unit with red lowloader with jcb who was heading south on A1 yesterday afternoon, i was the idiot in the white daf who nearly ran out of room joining A1 at blyth and kind of forced you over to the inside lane,

just say sorry and thanks for moving as you did +the fact i did,nt get any hand signals ect that to be honest i think i may have used if the roles were reversed…

this guy seemed to a be a gent of the road

and not many left,

A rhys davies driver called me through today in roadworks as the cars wernt letting me in, gentlemen

I think we need to be more like buses and just pull out, without a please or thank you, just a wave would do

One of the best kinds of training I had was bus driver training by an old hand who had learned all the ways to progress en route.

When pulling out from a bus stop he taught me to let the first four vehicles go and then pull out.
“After that they’ve had enough warning”.
When pulling out from a junction the game was to make them let you out - intimidation if you want - but at all times to make progress.

His training has stuck with me ever since and I not only apply it when I need it but when others need a helping hand.


Stanley Knife:
One of the best kinds of training I had was bus driver training by an old hand who had learned all the ways to progress en route.

When pulling out from a bus stop he taught me to let the first four vehicles go and then pull out.
“After that they’ve had enough warning”.
When pulling out from a junction the game was to make them let you out - intimidation if you want - but at all times to make progress.

His training has stuck with me ever since and I not only apply it when I need it but when others need a helping hand.


I wouldn’t have the bottle to do that in “claim hungry” Bradford/Birmingham/etc.

I think we need to be more like buses and just pull out, without a please or thank you, just a wave would do

I actually had to do that yesterday or else I would have been waiting all day… :blush:

your used to it DAF lol

your used to it DAF lol

Well yeah, there is that… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think we need to be more like buses and just pull out, without a please or thank you, just a wave would do

Done that a few times, especially when cars try to ignore my indicators and refuse to let me out,or try to speed up and close the gap im just about to pull into :imp:


I think we need to be more like buses and just pull out, without a please or thank you, just a wave would do

Done that a few times, especially when cars try to ignore my indicators and refuse to let me out,or try to speed up and close the gap im just about to pull into :imp:

Yes 2 flashes on the indicators and off you go lol

my indicators are NOT arequest,the are a signal of intent
get out the way in coming through lol

many time i av been stuck at an island/junction, and had to use the smallest of gaps to pull out into

if i have a 40ft trailer then so be it they can wait !!! :grimacing: