Apologies to.....

I’d like to extend my heartfelt apologies to any unfortunate motorist who had the misfortune to be overtaking me at around 9am this morning as Radio 2 were playing Plastic Bertrands Sans Plas Pour Moi. The sight of a middle aged man pogoing around his cab whilst that played at full volume must’ve been deeply disturbing and I apologise for any uneccessary suffering caused.

I miss the punk era!

That is all. :blush:

Unless your in a man, I bet it sounded pathetic with the volume on full.

the maoster:
I’d like to extend my heartfelt apologies to any unfortunate motorist who had the misfortune to be overtaking me at around 9am this morning as Radio 2 were playing Plastic Bertrands Sans Plas Pour Moi. The sight of a middle aged man pogoing around his cab whilst that played at full volume must’ve been deeply disturbing and I apologise for any uneccessary suffering caused.

I miss the punk era!

That is all. :blush:

Put in a cab cam, next time we can play it on here…it will make us all smile.
Great track anyway.

Unless your in a man, I bet it sounded pathetic with the volume on full.

Yeah, you got me bang to rights guv :blush: . Not the best sound system I’ve ever used.

Makes two of us then despite it coming out the year before I was born.

http://www.punkfm.co.uk/ :smiley: :smiley:

the maoster:
I’d like to extend my heartfelt apologies to any unfortunate motorist who had the misfortune to be overtaking me at around 9am this morning as Radio 2 were playing Plastic Bertrands Sans Plas Pour Moi. The sight of a middle aged man pogoing around his cab whilst that played at full volume must’ve been deeply disturbing and I apologise for any uneccessary suffering caused.

I miss the punk era!

That is all. :blush:

its funny that, they played ACDC, Whole lotta rosie round dinnertime today, I was on the A34 Handforth bypass dancing, air guitar and singing full volume! even had the window down :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: some chavs gave me a funny look as i was sat at the lights! couldn’t really give a ■■■■!


3 wheeler:
Put in a cab cam, next time we can play it on here…it will make us all smile.
Great track anyway.

You think it will be better than this one?