Anyone round Hillsboro this morning?

Bloody good fun with Blades supporters buying tickets whilst abandoning thier cars.

I was on a little ind est, one road in/out, and a poor artic driver got a wee bit stuck cos of cars parked on the corner, he couldn’t go forwards and cross traffic behind wouldn’t let him out. So I goes to help and trys banking him back out onto main road, but because of the angle he’s at, the headboard would hit a car or his n/s would hit a car and the pillock that parked opposite the junction prevented him going too far back. Whilst I was waving my arms about in the middle of the road a pratt on a motorbike decides he’d get through the 3ft gap between me and the trailer, I really enjoyed my gut being bashed by his mirror so I kicked out and knocked off his numberplate & bracket, I kinda guess he wasn’t too happy we had a bit of a slanging match which basically ended with him saying I’m gonna call the police, to which I retorted they’re on thier way (which they were the artic driver had called em to get a car moved), you can stick around for a dangerous driving charge if you like. Whilst this was going on a Polish artic driver hit a car half on the path and a Polish car driver hit him :open_mouth: the convo between em went summat like “I’m very sorry I not speak much english” “Me neither” the rest was in Polish. When the beat bobby turned up I think he wanted to cry, he managed to find 2 tossers that had been laughing at all this, whose cars were by the headboard and easily moved, ffs, traffic started to sort itself out details taken down and to cover my arse I handed the bobby my mates numberplate and my details. As I went back to my truck one of the nobs whose car was parked right on one of the corners returned, slightly bemused at why peeps were looking at him and drove off.

You couldn’t make it up. There’s one thing though next time I’ll be putting the tacho on break, pour a brew, and watch from the comfort of the cab :angry: .