do any of you get it in the ibc containers 1000ltrs and where have you found the best place is
cheers mike
do any of you get it in the ibc containers 1000ltrs and where have you found the best place is
cheers mike
we buy it off our normal oil supplier we pay about 32ppl if you have a ring around you should get it around this price, there is a deposit of 250 I think on the ibc plus you wiil have to buy a pump
we buy it off our normal oil supplier we pay about 32ppl if you have a ring around you should get it around this price, there is a deposit of 250 I think on the ibc plus you wiil have to buy a pump
Or you could get one with the outlet tap on the bottom, stand it on a pile of blocks and let gravity do the work when you’re filling up
Iirc the deposit was about £100, but I got a starter pack which included the IBC and a gravity feed nozzle
Google is your friend when looking for a supplier, I use Quality Urea Solutions
Air1 offered me bulk at 0.24ppl for a 3 month trial.
Mckenzies 0.27ppl
lods of it on e-bay.
lods of it on e-bay.
Delivered by three blokes and a dog in a transit van wearing hi vis jackets.
Can you get hi viz coat for dogs?
Can you get hi viz coat for dogs?
Yes you can.
(Normal worker)
(Boss or supervisor)
(Police dog)
it will get as cheap as ■■■■ as more stop using it.david camoron said we have to stop this green tax crap.