Anyone interested in moving a Scammell from Kent to Munich?

I have a Scammell crusader 4x2 tractor unit that I need to move from Kent to Munich - or at least close it it. Ideally looking to back load it over as it is private and I am on a budget- need as much cash as possible for its restoration. Loading and unloading can be arrange - it is not drivable but might be at the time of collection. I can also help with driving / double manning if required. I am also flexible on the timing so can wait months if need be. Please let me know if you can help or know someone that might be interested.

Many thanks

That is a bit of a specialised movement and I can’t see it being done for backload rates. I can’t see it being done on a trailer for example as it would be too tall for the bridges so would have to be knocked down, which is a whole new ball game. Driving it down on wheels would be your best bet if you can get it roadworthy.

If you decide to drive it there it is going to need a good few longish runs before you attempt it. It has no doubt stood idle for a very long time. A lot of even quite simple things can go wrong after a long sleep, better that happens here than the other side of the channel.

Thanks guys.
Driving it would be the best option but as you state - it needs a lot of work before I get to that stage.

Passed my test in one of those. No help to the op I accept, but I just wanted to share that with the class! :smiley:

Richard Longs brought an FH Globetrotter back from Italy on one of their trailers for somebody I know. I think they got a reasonable deal (but probably still not cheap)as like you it had an open timescale, so they could fit it in when they had an empty trailer returning to the UK. Might need to be able to drive it on though as I don’t think they have winches.

I know there are others who do the machinery movements as well, but can’t think of the names.

Im guessing you have already thought about the usual suspects. De rooy, Tiroltrans, gruber etc.

I know there big boys but i reguarly see them empty heading back into mainland europe at the ports.

If it was roadworthy/legal id offer to drive it down. Would be an interesting trip, and it takes me nearly back home.

If you want a co-driver when it’s up and running, just shout! Robert

Tell you what, if it was road legal I would love to drive it down. Can’t wait to get the old girl. Lets see. If the spare cab is as good as it looks in the photos then I might be able to get it drivable in the summer.

Will let you know

Try OB trucks Manchester they specialize in this kind of vehicle movement

I believe tdr from Dudley ship out empty sometimes to load Germany , not sure they go that far south but they might be worth a try


You can try Multiwheels as well, they’re a regular visitor to the UK and go back a lot without a backload to Holland and Germany.

Cheers, Patrick

Take the front wheels off and it will go on a flat

Try Steve Cook at Horton Dorset

Sorry to deviate… saw one of these powering a fairground ride the other day…lush!

Nice non-sequitur. Nice set of back wheels. ! R :laughing: