Anyone else only got one kidney?

had a bit of a shock today. went to the hospital for an ultrasound to check my nuts after a hernia operation. the nurse went further up and told me i’ve only got one kidney :open_mouth:
the thing is i must have lived like this all my life, quite shocked actually. i don’t know wether to feel special or wether i’ve missing out on something for 44 years :slight_smile: i don’t think i’ve ever felt so healthy as i do now.
i know i’ll have to tell the dvla or whoever it is you tell but does anyone know if this would stop me driving hgv’s?

had a bit of a shock today. went to the hospital for an ultrasound to check my nuts after a hernia operation. the nurse went further up and told me i’ve only got one kidney :open_mouth:
the thing is i must have lived like this all my life, quite shocked actually. i don’t know wether to feel special or wether i’ve missing out on something for 44 years :slight_smile: i don’t think i’ve ever felt so healthy as i do now.
i know i’ll have to tell the dvla or whoever it is you tell but does anyone know if this would stop me driving hgv’s?

  1. One kidney has been removed surgically, after an accident or because of a problem such as cancer or extensive kidney stones. So long as the other kidney is normal, people usually lead a normal life.

  2. Two kidneys joined together. In the womb, before birth, the kidneys form in the lower abdomen and move up. If the two immature kidneys join together, they cannot move all the way up the abdomen, and get stuck in the middle, in a lower than normal position. This large single kidney is called a horseshoe kidney because of its shape. A horseshoe kidney should function as normal with no problems. However, if any kidney disease such as a tumour or stones develop in a horseshoe kidney, treatment is much more difficult than if there are two kidneys. Problems with the drainage system are more common in horseshoe kidneys, and these may cause infections in some people with horseshoe kidney.

  3. If one kidney is small, for any of the reasons given above, it may be so hard to see on X-rays and scans that doctors tell someone they have a single kidney, or single functioning kidney, even though, strictly speaking, both kidneys are present.

I should have another scan before telling DVLA anything about your health.

This is the advice if you donate a kidney to your loved one.


The DVLA in Swansea has no hard and fast rules with regard to starting to drive again. In the main, if they feel okay and their GP agrees to it, a donor can return to driving when they feel capable, usually after 4-6 weeks.

thanks for that.

Hi i have only just read this post so here is my two pennys worth
I have only one kidney since birth like yourself only found out about it
after being admitted into hospital 2007, with stage three renal failure ,if you
have not been given a appointment for a KIDNEY SPECIALIST ask for one
so he or she can check you out correctly,as from now on DO NOT
TAKE ANY TABLETS OR MEDICINE with IBUPROFEN; this is very bad in fact as I
found out dangerous for your Kidney ,talk to the Kidney doctor and he will
give you the right answers ,not your GP , I used to have check ups every 3 weeks for
the first 6-9 months but now have 6 monthly checks , you may be given vitamin D
tablets to take , also need to adjust eating habits as certain Food products are bad also
your SALT intake maybe one thing he will mention about reducing , hope this helps
have a read through the links shown below

My youngest brother,(Now in his 50’s),found out recently that he is the proud owner of THREE kidneys!
I’ve told him to keep it quiet as there are some people who’ve been shortchanged!

My youngest brother,(Now in his 50’s),found out recently that he is the proud owner of THREE kidneys!
I’ve told him to keep it quiet as there are some people who’ve been shortchanged!

Yay its not just me. I’ve got one normal one and one horseshoe one.
Found out after being admitted to a german hospital for a kidney infection and having an ultrasound.

  1. If one kidney is small, for any of the reasons given above, it may be so hard to see on X-rays and scans that doctors tell someone they have a single kidney, or single functioning kidney, even though, strictly speaking, both kidneys are present.

my dad has this

As you are obviously aware, the human body is more than capable of surviving with one kidney. I was driving with final stage renal failure and a function level of about 9% before I got my transplant. It is even possible to receive dialysis treatment when out on the road.

So long as you are aware of any renal condition and the effects of it and its treatments there should be no issues.

Just my £0.02 worth.

kamu bisa mengkonsumsi obat-obatan dari bahan-bahan alami, misalnya teripang emas. Karena terdapat beragam nutrisi yang dapat mengatasi penyakit ginjal.
check this Mengobati Anyang-Anyangan Secara Alami

My youngest brother,(Now in his 50’s),found out recently that he is the proud owner of THREE kidneys!
I’ve told him to keep it quiet as there are some people who’ve been shortchanged!

Anyone want to buy a kidney?