Anyone else had a email?

Times must be getting hard on another drivers forum as I have just had a email from them saying.

We’ve missed you!

Come and visit /@@@@@@/forum and say Hello!

Let us know how the WTD is affecting you?

Are you better off?


oh dear

:unamused: Aw,…Bless

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yeah, me too!!!

I replied with a very large font message saying “UNSUBSCRIBE from this reminder and any other crap you might be thinking of sending me!” or words to that effect!! :wink: :wink:

It’s a very good forum :exclamation: You could be like me and use it, infact it has some features that are far better than most :exclamation:
Just because you use Trucknet doesn’t mean you have entered a contract to visit no other site, I have lots of forums in favourites :exclamation:

And I’m very sure Rikki would agree with me as I often see him on that other forum :wink:

i didnt bother replying. just deleted it :unamused:

rather than drag up the past, i am simply ignoring it

Pat Hasler:
It’s a very good forum :exclamation: You could be like me and use it, infact it has some features that are far better than most :exclamation:
Just because you use Trucknet doesn’t mean you have entered a contract to visit no other site, I have lots of forums in favourites :exclamation:

I also subscribe to lots of other forums and am not blinded by Trucknet loyalty,


I also have some good reasons for not wanting to bother with ‘some’ of the others!! Like Richie (Scanny) said, no point dragging up the past. “Let sleeping dogs lie.”

Pat Hasler:
It’s a very good forum :exclamation: You could be like me and use it, infact it has some features that are far better than most :exclamation:
Just because you use Trucknet doesn’t mean you have entered a contract to visit no other site, I have lots of forums in favourites :exclamation:

And I’m very sure Rikki would agree with me as I often see him on that other forum :wink:

are you sure rikki uses it pat? no-ones posted the name but im assuming its the one im banned from? Pretty ■■■■ Annoying?

yep JB your right cause I got one too :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


She can’t like me :cry: I didnt get one :smiley: :smiley:

And I’m very sure Rikki would agree with me as I often see him on that other forum

I would Pat. I often pop over to , and enjoy the visit. The e-mail in question has been forwarded to me, (I didnt get my own invite :open_mouth: :wink: :blush: :blush: ) and it wasnt from Jimbo’s, Barries or Russ’s websites. but from another website that was quite succesful for a while but has faded in recent months

boohoo, I never got one either :frowning: Obviously they dont want me :exclamation:

Im still waiting for the email from TruckNet UK telling me the same :smiley:


And I’m very sure Rikki would agree with me as I often see him on that other forum

I would Pat. I often pop over to , and enjoy the visit. The e-mail in question has been forwarded to me, (I didnt get my own invite :open_mouth: :wink: :blush: :blush: ) and it wasnt from Jimbo’s, Barries or Russ’s websites. but from another website that was quite succesful for a while but has faded in recent months

nor did i,so we must be flavour of the month then(not)

I have had a couple of them now, I just keep reporting them as spam :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Am I allowed to feel upset ? :cry: I didn’t get one either :unamused: I wonder why :smiley:

I got two, one to each of my user names. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I hadn’t checked those email addresses for a while so only just found them. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: