Anybody on Google+ yet?

It’s invite only at the mo, and no one I know is on it yet, so I’m looking for an invite.

Are you sure it’s invite only. I thought you just used your existing Google account details to log in?

It’s only in BETA at mo so you can’t join unless selected to be a tester anyway.

All you need is a google email account and an online profile, its got around 18,000,000 users at the minute

Are you sure it’s invite only. I thought you just used your existing Google account details to log in?

You can enter your Google acc details but that just puts you in a queue to join. If you get an invite you go straight in. I’ve now found someone on a yank truckers forum who’s giving away invites but he hasn’t got back to me yet.

I reckon it’ll be better than Facebook coz you can share different stuff with different groups, so the updates I want to give to ex-army mates can’t be seen by, for example, my mum :wink: Also it would be nice to have a social network run by adults

I just feel it will target us with spam or suchlike. If you look at ■■■■ it will come up as ■■■■ updates when your mum is on the pc :stuck_out_tongue:

PM me your gmail addy

No, luckily we still have pubs and such like in my town so I don’t need to tell people I have eaten 2 bags of doritos on a social networking site, I can tell them in person

Shutdown my facebook account, information overload regarding the family, especially the teenagers :smiley:

Shutdown my facebook account

Same, although google+ looks promising

I’m on it now too so if anyone wants an invite… £5 :laughing:

I’m on now :slight_smile: If anyone wants an invite, PM me with your email add and I’ll send one. :sunglasses:

I’m on now as well. Early days but looks like it could be quite good.