Anybody know about these british ex visbeen drivers

Does anybody know how these guys are doing ? they are all from the chelmsford & harwich area.
I used to work with them in the early 90’s and lost touch with them, I would like to know that they are all fit and well and enjoying life.

Ronnie ( lovejoy ) loveday
stevie ( dreamer ) wakefield
Dickie ( Mother ) Caines
Jonny Rank
Ronnie ( yes sir ) Derek
Eric Gould

Great bunch of guys to work with and be with on the old Queen Beatrix on the night sailings

Thanks :smiley:

My brother drove for Visbeen 1984-1987. Regular motor was TMX 92X, a 3300 which was eventually re-engined with a 3600 engine. Visbeen used to trial alot of experimental engines for Daf before they went into regular production. I think he was then given D943 YMV 3300 ATI, remenber a few trips in that lorry, she looked resplendant in the old red livery.

The last time I saw Dickie Cains he was shunting on Felixstowe docks for,I think,Tony Searle.
The others I haven’t seen for years,but I did hear John Rank was still about.

TMX 92X When i was there was driven by the night man chicken George cant remember his surname he lived in north london and did all the london markets, when i started with them i was given D942 YMV 3300 ati left hander good old truck and i think ronnie loveday drove D943YMV

The last time I saw Dickie Cains he was shunting on Felixstowe docks for,I think,Tony Searle.
The others I haven’t seen for years,but I did hear John Rank was still about.

Dickie caines

Glad to hear he is still alive and kicking as many years ago he always said he wasn’t in the best od health. we all knew when he was around or coming by his ditinctive one loud cough.

Jonny Rank

He as I later found out he had cancer problems just after his wife recovered from the same problem glad he is well Think i heard he was on HSF from nijmegen■■?

Cheers for the info

They run a sole M.A.N 361 aswell, it went like stink.
My brother is John Piscina, i think the transport manager at the time was called Ben, and thats when they had a depot in Hoddeston.
Did that guy ■■■■ live in Clacton?

They run a sole M.A.N 361 aswell, it went like stink.
My brother is John Piscina, i think the transport manager at the time was called Ben, and thats when they had a depot in Hoddeston.
Did that guy ■■■■ live in Clacton?

Was that DAF ‘doctor’d’ up? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

■■■■ lived in Clacton; he turned a load of fish over there on a short visit home He said the wind blew it over on a round-a-bout. Played the (health card?? ),got the dosh from Visbeen then went on car transport from Harwich.Black & yellow trucks.
Ben went Welyn G City to drive for a supermarket ;white & green motors.
Eric got 7 years for baccy; last saw him 5 yrs. ago in FX driving containers & living in a caravan. Last heard of running a drivers agency nr. FX.
Saw Stevie last year in a pub in Suffolk on a Sunday with his wife & 2 boys & all his family ,taking them all out for a slap up meal.He had just bought a brand new de-lux Merc mini-bus as a family run-about…He was doing well .He was working all over Europe installing wind farms.
Last saw Ron Derek on the chunnel & got him mixed up with a Gypsy mate of mine from way back. Poor old Ron didn’t get the joke until the penny dropped with me.
I worked for Vis in Hodd/Colch & FX.

I lived happily ever after!

They certainly were a good bunch of guys,and a real laugh.

I remember talking to John Rank one night on the Ipswich boat,I’d had a bit of trouble at home,and John said he could put me in touch with a couple of guys from East London who,for a price,would go round and sort this guy out good and proper while I was out of the country,so nothing could be pinned on me.
A thoroughly nice guy,and one you wouldn’t want to cross!
He told me he’d been in nick for GBH in his younger days.A couple of coloured guys where he lived in London had been pushing and shoving his missus as she was walking home,so John went round the corner and half killed these two blokes.It was when he came out that he moved to Harwich.

Eric Gould could always be found at the slot machines on the boat,he was addicted to them and used to pump money into them like it was going out of fashion.
I also knew Eric from way back,when he drove for Harwich Haulage.I was on for Fred Archer at the time,and we ran down to Swiss together and back.