Any tips on getting out of bed?

For the past few months, since around Christmas, Ive been finding it very difficult to get out of bed, and feeling like crap for the first 10 mins or so of the day. Its always been difficult, but just lately its been really bad. I know its nothing to do with being tired, because it doesnt matter what time of the day it is, or how much sleep Ive had, I still feel the same. Once Ive been awake for around 15-20 mins Im fine. Does everyone find it difficult or is it just me■■?

bugcos,Any one can put any thing here but
to know what is wrong you need to see Your
GP ands get Him orHer to do a through check
up, Lorrydrivers , are one if not the worst
for not going to see a Doctor, regulary,
which means the problem if there is one gets
worse and so may take a even longer time to
clear its self up,Get down to your doctor
ASAP and do a check the EXPERT will tell
you why you feel so, all the best , let us know
what the Quack says,

also if you really want a wake up call, get some stupid death metal song as your alarm on your phone or something, have it on its loudest setting, put the phone far away so you have to physically get out of bed to turn it off. thats what i do and it works.

thisis what i have as my alarm.

Just wait til those crabs of yours escape from the aquarium and come up for an early morning cuddle!

One glimpse of those claws and you’ll be leaping out of bed in a hurry! :laughing:

Seriously, Bug, if you’re not feeling perkier now that the days are getting lighter and you know that you’re being good about eating properly, exercise etc., then it’s as Brit Pete says:

brit pete:
Get down to your doctor ASAP

It might be worth asking for a blood test, to see if you’re anaemic or have a raised white blood cell count.

Let us know how you get on.

i dont know about you but i need a cup of coffee … well maybe 2 to get me going in the morning. have you given anything up like coffee or smoking :question: :question: :question: maybe drinking the night before :question: :question: :question: or maybe for some reason your sugar levels are below normal then once you’ve had some cereal or sugar in you hot drink you feel better. :bulb:

sometimes if im feeling rough on a morning … especally if i have a bit of drive in front of me i will have a sugar in my coffee to perk me up.

As others have said, you know what is normal for you, and that is the important thing. If it persists (since Xmas is persisting!) then go see the quack. They can at least check your oil, water,washers and tyres, and if need be get a full diagnostic done. If your truck suddenly ran badly in the morning you’d be round the fitter’s straight away :wink:

I know - missed loads off the check-list. It’s meant to be humour.

For the past few months, since around Christmas, Ive been finding it very difficult to get out of bed, and feeling like crap for the first 10 mins or so of the day. Its always been difficult, but just lately its been really bad. I know its nothing to do with being tired, because it doesnt matter what time of the day it is, or how much sleep Ive had, I still feel the same. Once Ive been awake for around 15-20 mins Im fine. Does everyone find it difficult or is it just me■■?

May not help,but you have someone who does the Work during you sleep till Noon :grimacing:
It’s mostly the Food you eat.
Don’t eat Carbs before going to Bed.Drink a Glas Milk or Yogurt,or have a Icecream,or 100 gram Chicken Breast

Try the ‘apache alarm clock’ technique,have around a pint of water before retiring or even a large mug of rosy lee and the morning will find you reaching for that receptacle we all have knocking about the cab thus bringing you into wakeful mode.Simple and effective I find.

Try the ‘apache alarm clock’ technique,have around a pint of water before retiring or even a large mug of rosy lee and the morning will find you reaching for that receptacle we all have knocking about the cab thus bringing you into wakeful mode.Simple and effective I find.

I hope Bug found a solution, this post is 2 yrs old! BTW where is he, not seen a post from him in a while?

Last visited:Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:40 pm

But I wouldnt worry to much as a lot of users do this come on then just disappear