Any old promotor drivers around

Have a look at 1 minute 22 seconds Brian.

33. Lombard RAC Rally 1977 (

Well found! Not sure what was special about 1.22 point in video?

Nothing special, just an action shot of what was a couple of days ago ā€˜a mystery carā€™ on a video with a happy ending.

Good find opal-finder. I assume the shot of the Ford with the number 5 on it is what you are referring to. Now hereā€™s another little conundrum for you. Who flew the little plane, on the back of another Promotor lorry, before its wings fell off!

The propellor fell off before the wings did!
And she was rebuilt. - gbeda aircraft photos


It wasnā€™t me boss but Micky Tremlow did mention to me that he was an ex tankie driver.

Could it have been Graham ā€œBigglesā€ Bartrum by any chance.

The pilot of G-BEDA did very well to walk away from that crash.

And a question for Franglais, is there any way that you can add a font colour on this new web site, like we used to have. And thanks for all your help by explaining how this new site works to a few of us.

Hi. I donā€™t know about changing font colour, all I have found is bold and italics.

Highlight the section you want to change and click on the icons in the top of the reply box. Or put the **asterisks in yourself.
It is awkward if you want to put footnotes into text, but not the end of the world.

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franglais. I am lost for words. How did you track down the report of the crashed plane? Fantastic result. I have been told by Stephen Lacy, the driver of the lorry, that he took the Bucker Yungman to Augsburg where it was going to be rebuilt. Donā€™t know why he called it a Bucker as that name doesnā€™t appear in the report.
Hi opal-finder. you asked about the length of the lorry. That I donā€™t know but it was certainly quite long. Itā€™s reg started with KKP and I believe the attached photo taken by Stephen Lacy on his way home from Spain is the same lorry. I know we had another similar lorry later.

I like praiseā€¦but it isnā€™t deserved at all.
Just entered into Google: ā€œaircraft reg g-bedaā€ and spent a few minutes choosing what was most relevant.

You have better eyesight than me franglais. I couldnā€™t make out the lettering.

Iā€™m really looking forward to today. I have been promised the late Promotor driver, Stevie Smithā€™s photo collection by his son Bill who owns the restaurant in Palomares here in southern Spain. I am collecting it later this morning. There may only be ten photos or there may be a hundred. Quite exciting. Bill did send me one last night and Iā€™ve attached it. Think Stevie is doing his Tommy Cooper impression.

My very good friend Awat, who lives in Erbil Northern Iraq, has sent me a photo of one of our old windscreen stickers which were attached to the transfer busses we ran during exhibition time in Baghdad. Makes me wonder what else he has of ours squirrelled away at home.

I suppose I shall soon be barred from from this Promotor page as Iā€™ve now posted twice unless someone replies. Utterly ridiculous.

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There you go Brian. (John McFalls old mate)

I know! Itā€™s an absurd idea, and one of the main reasons Iā€™ve more or less stopped posting. Adding material to my favourite threads ends as soon as I start, because after 3 posts I might have to wait six months for someone else to post. And Iā€™m buggered if Iā€™m going to keep begging for dummy posts to add a spacer in. Another reason itā€™s really stupid, is that nearly every one of the dozens of threads Iā€™ve started have been cranked up with lots of pictures and well-researched material to cultivate peopleā€™s interests. Clearly, Iā€™m not now going to be starting new threads to stimulate the debates we used to enjoy. This educative aspect of TN culture is in danger of being lost for good.

EDIT to add: the insane idea that a 4th post means that we are talking to ourselves says everything about the intelligence of the programmers of TN2. If I posit three ideas with visual aids in succession, you may need time to reflect or just ignore. A fourth piece of evidence with pictorial support may just stimulate you to respond.
I suspect an element of control here. The system appears to need to control our input and the responses to our input. This smacks immediately of American software. That lot are control freaks unbounded. I donā€™t trust them.


Couldnā€™t agree more, however, I would like to think the programers havenā€™t finished and at some stage will address these issues. Thatā€™s dependant on them reading these posts of course.

And whilst Iā€™m here I shall add a photo for av760 of his mate John McFall. John is on the right with the big beard.

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If youā€™ve got suggestions and points to make about the set up of the forum itself, I would expect that putting a post in the FeedBack section would be the best bet. FEEDBACK FORUM - Let Us Know! (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

That would probably be seen more readily by the Admin rather than being buried in the middle of another thread.

Job done. :wink:

blah blah blab hereā€™s twenty character to fill up the post (another insane idea!)

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Hereā€™s a new photo from Steve Smithā€™s shoebox. My thanks to Steveā€™s wife Sandra and son Bill. On the right is Tony Grainger and with him is Billy Heath. The photo was taken in the Mocamp in 76 and they had just delivered tractors to Istanbul docks.

Tony wouldnā€™t have liked thatā€¦ He never liked visiting Turkey.

Had dinner with Richar Brown last night and talked over the old days - delivering Coles Cranes to Izmir etc

Hi efes. Glad to hear you are still in touch with some of us Promotor drivers. When you next speak to Richard can you ask him if Tony Grainger is ok. I emailed Tony a few days ago and have had no reply.

Iā€™ve attached a photo of Steve Smith on the left and Carl Denhardt in the Mocamp in 76. They were with Tony and Billy delivering tractors to the docks in Istanbul.

May as well show this photo of the 4 Promotor drivers together in the MoKamp courtesy of Tony Grainger.