Any old promotor drivers around

Thought it was time I posted something to keep Promotor’s name to the fore. I’ve not gone away, just keeping an eye on things to see how they would pan out. Most important, and top of my agenda, were my photos. I have posted many hundreds since I joined Trucknet in 2016 and always looked upon the forum as somewhere for them to be kept safe and hopefully viewed by others. I was very concerned they would be lost when the new Trucknet Forum was up and running but all seems well. The stories and little anecdotes are also very important. I remember mushroomman saying quite eloquently on here that those stories will be lost forever once we have gone. I’m looking at Trucknet to preserve those already committed to print although I can’t for the life of me see how, from a commercial standpoint, they make any money out of us but keep up the good work.

Still looking to find out how to post a photo but will persevere. Don’t like to be beaten.

Do you mean like this Efes. :roll_eyes:

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Very much like that. My first trip to Baghdad in January 1979 there were a number of cars in the city that had these knives attached to the hubs. Subsequent trips I didn’t see any. Rumour was that they were cars given to all war widows (Iran/Iraq war) when money was aplenty.

I’ve done a Google for some photos but can’t find any such devices

Hello Brian

Hope this finds you in good health.

I hear from Roger Graber sometimes (ever so doddery these days) and I’ll be having dinner with Richard Brown & Bob Bennett shortly

Photo uploading is not too difficult… See attached image for the button to press.

I am still hunting for my photos as I have some good ones (trucks on their sides inside the ferry when my cab got crushed in a storm etc). Also some of the chaps.

Mrs B put them away somewhere.

Best wishes


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On one of my first trips for Promotor. Don’t know if I had a tripod then. If not then I must have asked someone else to take the shot.

Thanks efes for your help in downloading the photo.

Lokeren Truckwash in Belgium. Again I must have asked somebody to take the shot of me posing.

Efes. I have heard you temping us with stories of hidden photographs ever since the inception of this Promotor blog.

My patience is running out. I have put my mate, who owns a demolition machine, on notice that I have a little job for him. One way or the other we’ll find those hidden photos.

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They’ll have to deal with the Trouble & Strife if you send the boyos round

We all have our burdens to bare efes. You’re the boss. Tell her you want those photos found. Thought I would post the attached photo taken this afternoon as we returned to our winter quarters here in Spain. Completely blocking the road we had to wait whilst he sorted out his gearbox.

I’m posting this as a reply as still not found out how to post direct. Am waiting for someone to enlighten me.

The blue Reply button just under the last post?

I did that and got a message that said only 3 posts could be done that way. I had replied 3 time so it said I must wait until someone else replied.■■?

Yes. I think it is meant to stop us talking to ourselves! :grinning:

But once there is a reply, you get another 3 goes.

Morning franglais. Now that I cannot accept. That is an utterly ridicules ruling. I have been the main poster on the Promotor thread for many years. I know many people look in but not many make any comment which is fine but now I could be sitting around twiddling my fingers, getting more pis-ed off because I can’t post something that has come to my attention and I think others may find it of interest.
All I can hope is the powers that be also follow this thread or I can see I shall be taking a back seat again.

Now I’m here I will add some of Promotor driver, now with Ontime, Frank Goughs photos. The first one was taken in the Arctic Circle when Frank and his mates delivered 50 cars for cold weather testing. The other photos were taken around Europe.

As we all get to know how the system works, I expect others will keep a count and put up a timely post to keep the wheels oiled.

There you go: A free reset for you!

Here’s a photo I haven’t seen before. I found it on the web and I believe it may have been taken in the south of France.

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My guess would be Spain or Germany.
There are several cars in the background with largeish, whiteish, number plates.
France at the time I guess the photo to be would have been white/silver on black I think?

I drove this vehicle many a time mostly to Spain and a few car jobs in the UK.

Collecting wrecked cars for the AA no paperwork was necessary and this was hard for Spanish officials to understand.

I was stopped on the motorway by two motorcycle cops who then disappeared with my passport for an entire morning leaving me on the hard shoulder. When they came back they told me I didn’t need paperwork but told me as if it was my fault…

So after that I didn’t bother stopping at the border… At Irun I drove through the Spanish side and suddenly there was lots of whistles peeping and as drivers walked past to present their papers they all pointed to look back and a little fat Spanish customers was RUNNING after me. It was rather comical. I was taken back to the Spanish side and I explained no paperwork was necessary. They agreed and I went on my way.

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I asked on F/B if anyone could identify the location of the Promotor car transporter with the two rally cars. One person said it was to do with the Monte Carlo Rally but the other name that came up was the Lombard RAC Rally. Promotor driver Steve Lacy suggested this also and I tend to agree. So instead of some exotic location it’s gonna be Barry, Bradford or Brighton. There’s a good chance Roger Oakley was the driver.

Never overlook the obvious!

Just been informed that the car is an RS1800 driven by Bjorn Waldergard and Hans Thorszelius and the year is 1977 and it was the Lombard RAC Rally. However, there is a very good chance that the cars were on a promotional tour after the rally so not a definitive answer.