Any nova drivers had the following

Some months ago I switched back from NOVA to paye …(painful but necesery)

Any how as we all know there has been much debate around is it or is it not legal etc.

Well in the last budget the Chancellor out lined plans to tackle managed companies next year.

Any how cut a long story short I must still be onn NOVAS mailing list because i received a letter from the managing director basically saying that things would change in the next tax year re NOVA etc, and that untill HRC decided how they were gonna play it NOVA could not say for definate they would be able to offer the same service.

Anyone want a copy of the info letter email me and I will send it. :sunglasses:

can’t believe anyone uses NOVA…it is so easy to do it yourself…

Useless… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I have the same letter.


Any how cut a long story short I must still be onn NOVAS mailing list because i received a letter from the managing director basically saying that things would change in the next tax year re NOVA etc, and that untill HRC decided how they were gonna play it NOVA could not say for definate they would be able to offer the same service.

Not that I like to say I told you so but, I told you so.

Do it yourself mate. Plenty of people on here are and it’s not hard.