Right here goes.
Until 4 months ago I was in a relationship for 5and a half years with quite frankly the best woman I have had the privlidge to ever know. It ended through my own stupid fault. But the problem is I can’t stop thinking about her. So much so to the extent that I spend most of the time in tears. In the meantime I started a relationship with somebody else but ended it because I wasn’t over my ex and it wasn’t fair on her she was a great woman,and my head was ready to explode.
I have moved back in with my parents which just seems to make me more upset.
I have had thoughts which I should not really have had a bit too frequently.
The thing is how do I get my ex out of my head and start living quite normally again■■?.
She is in a new relationship so reconcilliation is very unlikely.
I know as I caused the split its all my own fault but it doesn’t stop me from feeling this way. I just want my head to be clear enough to at least function properly rather than just get through the day albeit mostly in tears.
Any tips or ideas to move on and stop the hurt welcomed.
I know how you feel. Until a month ago I had been in a 6 year relationship. It hurts everyday. Not got to the point of suicidal thoughts though. I find that keeping busy with work helps me get through it.
I think you need to seek professional help if it has got that bad. The Samaritans are a good first call. Also going to see your doctor re: depression may be a good start.
Hope you can work through this.
Best of luck
Come and have a whinge on here. It doesn’t matter that no-one can help you physically. But we have a weird effect when it comes to grief. Talk to anyone that’ll listen.
Go see your DR
Or a Vern say talk on here we may not be able to give the right advice but we can listen & sometimes make you laugh
Try to keep busy & find something new to do
Time is the answer, I know it won’t help you at the moment but in the end you’ll be fine
I always find shagging her sister helps…
I always find shagging her sister helps…
Been there done that, didn’t really help.
Thanks for all help everybody.
tough break mate, being in a job which gives you alone time and thinking time in abundance can really mess with your head, sounds like your going through a tough break up which is being emphasised by maybe a little depression and nothing but time to ponder it over and over,
get the radio on, listen to some chat stations, listen to how others are having it worse then you, or polar opposite, others have got it better and set yourself a new goal, even happy music can help.
get the lads round, meet up with some locals off here, or a good old tradition “get on the beers son” just not too much of the beer, the happy happy joy bit is soon replaced by the why me, crying into the porcelain goddess