Any ideas what this is?

This car came past me the other day, not a very nice looking thing but any ideas WTF it is??

looks like a bristol to me

Can’t think of the name.

But it’s British, and stupidly expensive.

And not very good from what I remember reading.

The name will come to me… at some point. :blush:

looks like a bristol to me

That’s it!!! :smiley:

I think its a “Bristol” bugcos. Dont know which model though its probably got a big v8 in it.
:laughing: :laughing: beaten to it again!
Blenheim or beaufighter are two models which spring to mind


Good God!! :frowning:

Must have one of them Fighter SCR’s thats gorgeous, shame all the others are pig ugly!


shame there weren’t two of them, haven’t seen a pair of bristols for ages :laughing:

Base price for that one you spotted is £150k (incl the VAT) !!! I could think of a whole pile of nicer (and better) cars to spend that kind of cash on ! :open_mouth:

Rob K:
Base price for that one you spotted is £150k (incl the VAT) !!! I could think of a whole pile of nicer (and better) cars to spend that kind of cash on ! :open_mouth:

Too right, get a nice Lotus Carlton and pocket the change :slight_smile: