Any funny moments?

We all have them.Once in Ipswich with 6am tip next morning.Lovely evening so I walk down the river bank into the town centre.After quite a few sherberts decide time to get back to the truck back along the river bank.As Im wobbling along I see two fire flies on the water.I decide to pick up a pebble and make them fly.Splash they dont move.Bugger this I pick up a bigger stone and toss it in still nothing.I root round and find half a bloody brick.Just about to chuck it at the little buggers when I hear sombody shout"what the hell?"
Then I notice two blokes in the gloom fishing.Only been throwing rocks at their luminous floats haddent I. Started laughing and nearly bloody wet meself.

Anybody else made a twot of themselves?

Lol quality!! :slight_smile:

Thats well funny lol.

No sorry i cant even match your story let alone beat it.

I was parked up on the A500, 15 or 16 on the M6, in one of them big lay-byes. anyway I was on the phone talking to the Mrs and two chickens came walking down the road! I told her indoors and she asked if I was ■■■■■■■ Honest, it happened. Also I’m bloody certain I seen a tapir on the A11 at Thetford one night. on that last roundabout before you head down to Barton mills. Then I got my trousers knicked in Liverpool and didn’t have a spare pair. what a nightmare that was. Years ago I parked up in Newport pagnell services for a kip, and woke up with a start and didn’t know where I was or what time it was. I jumped in the seat and went still half asleep. I had a spread axle tandem on and managed to put the bugger on them great kerbs as you come out the lorry park. So there was one hell of a bang and crash as i put kerb between the two axles, and that woke me up a bit quick. There was only one way off and I put it in 1st gear and watched as the trailer tipped over, but she came off. I wouldn’t want to do it again.