Any comments on this truck accident?

2 or 3 years back there was an artic up the bank on the M50. He’d totalled a 7.5 tonner at the back of a queue and still managed to get the entire motor up the bank so the suicide bar was stopping him roll back down. The bank was about as steep as the one in the pics.

he’d ave p***ed-it in a volvo 680hp! :wink: :sunglasses:

No way has he driven up the embankment, artics are crap in fields when theres no snow on the ground, never mind in six inches of it.

He’s been driving down the rough road alongside the railway in the dark, he’s decided he’s going the wrong way and can’t find anywhere to turn, so reverses the trailer over the tracks, so that the units drive axles stay on the firm and snow free road whilst turning to maintain traction, but did’nt realise until it was to late that there was an embankment on the far side of the tracks, once the wheels of the trailer went over the edge, only the units wheels jamming against rail tracks and underside of the trailer stopped it from going all the way.
Now who do I apply to to receive my prize :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue:

Big Joe:
Now who do I apply to to receive my prize :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue:

You don’t :laughing: :laughing:

look at the 4th pic

Wouldn’t have backed up there without leaving a mark ■■? :wink:

Looks like the top of the reefer unit is crushed indicating he went up the bank :wink:

lots of time and photoshop i reckon :laughing: