I’m giving the natural remedy of St John’s Wort a go.
Depression and driving is very common, with congestion,early starts, late finishes and fatigue.Let’s face it, we are not really appreciated by the general public or customers, with comments of what took you so long.
The other driver gets here earlier.
Customers that pipe up you are late, too early,we didn’t order this.
Constant performance monitoring with trackers and fuel figures, the best routes, no short cuts.
Over night security,fuel theft and curtains being slashed.
Then the Dvsa to think about.
FFS toby every post of yours lately is a propper moan or winge that puts folk on a downer,as they say in yorkshire[[tha needs a cracker up thee arse lad that will bring thee rand abit,thuz folk art theer wus off than thee mucker]]
Words fail me
tango boy:
Words fail me
as bad as that??
tango boy:
Words fail meas bad as that??
Yeah. He needs Doctor help if its really that bad!!!
Don’t want him to do what my best mate did last year!!!
I recommend alcohol.
tango boy:
tango boy:
Words fail meas bad as that??
Yeah. He needs Doctor help if its really that bad!!!
Don’t want him to do what my best mate did last year!!!
I thought you were meaning my pill advice…only thing wrong with antis is theyre prone to making you a bit fuzzy round the edges.change of routine/job,and some heart to hearts with the misses,or mates is a better answer…go for a holiday,or a shagfest in amsterdab and clear the tubes.
tango boy:
tango boy:
Words fail meas bad as that??
Yeah. He needs Doctor help if its really that bad!!!
Don’t want him to do what my best mate did last year!!!I thought you were meaning my pill advice…only thing wrong with antis is theyre prone to making you a bit fuzzy round the edges.change of routine/job,and some heart to hearts with the misses,or mates is a better answer…go for a holiday,or a shagfest in amsterdab and clear the tubes.
No dig at you pal!! Yeah he need’s summat not anti’s though!!
mabey if he thinks life is just too bad to endure,he could either watch a few episodes of eastenders,or as a last resort listen to some of conors opinions,then realise that life cant be so bad as theres always someone worse off than him…
mabey if he thinks life is just too bad to endure,he could either watch a few episodes of eastenders,or as a last resort listen to some of conors opinions,then realise that life cant be so bad as theres always someone worse off than him…
Ian Beale or Conor tough choice
If you’re just suffering from the winter blues, or life is a bit ■■■■■■ then St Johns Wort can be useful to help bring you up a bit if it’s just a very mild feeling low/‘depression’ you’re suffering from.
The problem is recognising within yourself when things get worse than that, you tend not to notice depression getting worse until something snaps.
If the St Johns Wort doesn’t have much of an effect and things get you down more then do yourself a favour, don’t ■■■■ about waiting to see what happens, but trot along to your Dr for a chat as soon as you can, and take a list of all the ways you feel you’re being effected by it.
You’re Dr will most likely give you a short and easy questionnaire to fill in that’s surprisingly accurate.
Please bear in mind, that if diagnosed with any sort of depression by your Dr then it’s very likely that the chemical balance in your brain has altered, and it’s nigh on impossible to restore the right balance without anti-Dep’s.
He/she will not make the decision to put you on anti-depressants lightly.
You cannot drive while taking taking strong anti-dep’s, at least not in the early stages. I tried it in my car after being on them for just 3 days and I felt like I was a passenger and someone else that looked just me was driving!!
Everyone will rip the ■■■■ out of you, telling you to ‘man up’, offering their own words of advice from a position of not having a clue what they’re on about, depression can be very real, it can prevent you from functioning at even the most basic level on a day to day basis, and in the worst cases, life threatening.
Don’t ■■■■ about, have a good look at yourself and do what you need to sort yourself out.
Toby, as said above, stop ■■■■ arsing about, GO AND SEE THE DOC
Watch this first…it’ll cure most things
Toby.If you’re just suffering from the winter blues, or life is a bit [zb] then St Johns Wort can be useful to help bring you up a bit if it’s just a very mild feeling low/‘depression’ you’re suffering from.
The problem is recognising within yourself when things get worse than that, you tend not to notice depression getting worse until something snaps.
If the St Johns Wort doesn’t have much of an effect and things get you down more then do yourself a favour, don’t [zb] about waiting to see what happens, but trot along to your Dr for a chat as soon as you can, and take a list of all the ways you feel you’re being effected by it.
You’re Dr will most likely give you a short and easy questionnaire to fill in that’s surprisingly accurate.
Please bear in mind, that if diagnosed with any sort of depression by your Dr then it’s very likely that the chemical balance in your brain has altered, and it’s nigh on impossible to restore the right balance without anti-Dep’s.
He/she will not make the decision to put you on anti-depressants lightly.
You cannot drive while taking taking strong anti-dep’s, at least not in the early stages. I tried it in my car after being on them for just 3 days and I felt like I was a passenger and someone else that looked just me was driving!!Everyone will rip the ■■■■ out of you, telling you to ‘man up’, offering their own words of advice from a position of not having a clue what they’re on about, depression can be very real, it can prevent you from functioning at even the most basic level on a day to day basis, and in the worst cases, life threatening.
Don’t ■■■■ about, have a good look at yourself and do what you need to sort yourself out.
That’s top advice,just get to the doc they can help
Toby.If you’re just suffering from the winter blues, or life is a bit [zb] then St Johns Wort can be useful to help bring you up a bit if it’s just a very mild feeling low/‘depression’ you’re suffering from.
The problem is recognising within yourself when things get worse than that, you tend not to notice depression getting worse until something snaps.
If the St Johns Wort doesn’t have much of an effect and things get you down more then do yourself a favour, don’t [zb] about waiting to see what happens, but trot along to your Dr for a chat as soon as you can, and take a list of all the ways you feel you’re being effected by it.
You’re Dr will most likely give you a short and easy questionnaire to fill in that’s surprisingly accurate.
Please bear in mind, that if diagnosed with any sort of depression by your Dr then it’s very likely that the chemical balance in your brain has altered, and it’s nigh on impossible to restore the right balance without anti-Dep’s.
He/she will not make the decision to put you on anti-depressants lightly.
You cannot drive while taking taking strong anti-dep’s, at least not in the early stages. I tried it in my car after being on them for just 3 days and I felt like I was a passenger and someone else that looked just me was driving!!Everyone will rip the ■■■■ out of you, telling you to ‘man up’, offering their own words of advice from a position of not having a clue what they’re on about, depression can be very real, it can prevent you from functioning at even the most basic level on a day to day basis, and in the worst cases, life threatening.
Don’t ■■■■ about, have a good look at yourself and do what you need to sort yourself out.
Agreed 100% - take it from someone that has suffered with this illness for over 10 yrs - Telling someone to man up, get over yourself or whatever some say will not help and will make you feel even worse…Depression and anxiety does not discriminate - it is a bloody ■■■■■■■ of an illness.
I have taken anti depressants etc and there is no shame in telling family and friends how you feel - get to the doctors, as I found once you tell someone you will feel a lot better and time will heal. I don’t take anti depressants anymore as now know how to deal with the warning signs -
The other thing I found is don’t surround yourself with negative whinging people as this will make you feel worse - Joining a gym or taking some form of exercise is also extremely good as it releases toxins into the brain…for anyone that has the illness there is light at the end of the tunnel and yes I drove on anti depressants without any side effects, it all depends on what the doctor prescribes.
I never told my boss I had the illness as some do not understand anything about the illness and I believe if they did some research they may also be suffering in some way…
Good luck to anyone who is suffering the first thing to do is tell your wife or partner how you feel. !!!
Good advice from everyone,very much appreciated, the Shaf fest in Amsterdam sounds like a plan.
take a box of elastoplasts with you…after a couple of hours window shopping,your nose will be skinned red raw trying to peek in the windows…)
take a box of elastoplasts with you…after a couple of hours window shopping,your nose will be skinned red raw trying to peek in the windows…)