Another ZB Hole

For those of you enjoying a night out in a ■■■■ stinking lorry park and paying £20 for the privilege and getting nothing in the way of meal vouchers etc, this is right up your street

Do we “REALLY” a MSA run by EXTRA at J35? Perhaps the VED pot should be used to build a “Rest Area” instead of a retail park■■?

I bet if this got the go ahead the old double yellow lines would soon be put down on the ind est at Tankersley forceing drivers to use the services for overnight parking. :unamused:

Only Westmorland should be allowed the right to open any new MSA’s.

Most of them are just ambiguous, corporate, monstrosities.

I like parking in services for the amenities that they offer, however I would never park in a EXTRA as they don’t offer a meal voucher. My place pay £20 for parking even if it includes the voucher, I don’t mind adding a couple of quid if I get a voucher if it’s more, but I’m not parking there if there is nothing in it for me.

I like parking in services for the amenities that they offer, however I would never park in a EXTRA as they don’t offer a meal voucher. My place pay £20 for parking even if it includes the voucher, I don’t mind adding a couple of quid if I get a voucher if it’s more, but I’m not parking there if there is nothing in it for me.

I would never stop at an extra msa ever…

Biggest piles of ■■■■ in the world

MSA’s are all rip off merchants…what happened to the days when you could get a half decent meal at a discount by showing your log book or later on a tachco card ? most of them i remember did a discount for transport…now its squeeze as much out of you as they can for bugger all. :frowning:

Surely there’s no bigger zb holes out there any worse than tesco, imagine a tesco MSA…:frowning:

Im suprised they havnt got a finger in the pie allready , not be long.