Saw this story on the local website, and just had to post it here
(I have been round that r/b in an artic hundreds of times, it’s not that tight) …
Saw this story on the local website, and just had to post it here
(I have been round that r/b in an artic hundreds of times, it’s not that tight) …
To be fair he’s got an extra long trailer on, then again they have rear steer.
4th comment from the bottom made me chuckle
Love the comment “stobart drivers are the best in the country”.
not quite. At the saves they pay you would be lucky to get the drivers from the top 99%!
Love the comment “stobart drivers are the best in the country”.not quite. At the saves they pay you would be lucky to get the drivers from the top 99%!
At the saves they pay■■?
To be honest, who here hasn’t decided to spin their truck round at a point, and not realised until most of the way round that it won’t quite make it, but we just reverse back and carry on.
Because it’s a Stobart wagon, it’s on camera, google, you tube, trucknet, makes headline news etc.
that news article:
The driver eventually managed to reverse and head off down Kew Road.
Probably 15 seconds after realising he couldn’t make it
Was he trying to do a U turn then? Mite just be the picture but his position looks way off the mark, looks to me like he’s just gone straight over then decided he wanted to turn . Ahh well bet he’ll have a good laugh about it down the pub later on
Would help if car drivers gave the large lorry drivers room to manoeuvre, as soon as they stop, or slow down, a car stops 6 foot behind so any reversing required is nigh impossible.
Eddie Stobart drivers are some of the best in the country and reversing into factory loading bays and the like, are, that most would never attempt
Love this comment, the power of telly
How much of this problem was caused by it being a longer trailer, and how much driver error?
Would help if car drivers gave the large lorry drivers room to manoeuvre, as soon as they stop, or slow down, a car stops 6 foot behind so any reversing required is nigh impossible.
Eddie Stobart drivers are some of the best in the country and reversing into factory loading bays and the like, are, that most would never attemptLove this comment, the power of telly
How much of this problem was caused by it being a longer trailer, and how much driver error?
Completely driver misjudgment in my opinion, but ■■■■ happens and we move on.
Even the new longer trailers have to fit within the standard EU turning circle so a bad workman cannot blame his tool
The 15.65 trailers must turn within concentric circles with radii of 12.5 metres and 5.3 metres. Both SDC and Muldoon both conform to this.
Love the comment “stobart drivers are the best in the country”.not quite. At the saves they pay you would be lucky to get the drivers from the top 99%!
At the saves they pay■■?
Bloody predictive text thing. I posted that from my mobile, sorry, I meant the RATES they pay.
Wheel Nut:
Even the new longer trailers have to fit within the standard EU turning circle so a bad workman cannot blame his toolThe 15.65 trailers must turn within concentric circles with radii of 12.5 metres and 5.3 metres. Both SDC and Muldoon both conform to this.
So do the Stobart and Royal Mail ones, they were all tested at the same time in an Expo at Milbrook IIRC. I saw it in a magazine when I was learning.
Slow news day in Southport by the look of it then??
I would have ■■■■■■ that.
I would have ■■■■■■ that.
were you in scarborough today?
looking at where his middle axle is in relation to the mini roundabout. he messed up from the start, and so did stobarts. that’s a newbie error if ever i saw one.
Copied and pasted from the article
“Eddie Stobart drivers are some of the best in the country and reversing into factory loading bays and the like, are, that most would never attempt.”
I laughed so hard I was crying when I read this
old but.
I would have ■■■■■■ that.were you in scarborough today?
Sure was mate, where was you?
old but.
■■■■, haven’t seen that one before, was expecting to see the crane reach full height, topple over and fall down a cliff!
Good though!
I’ve just had a look on Google maps and im pretty sure he was doing a Uturn rather than trying to turn right , if you look at street level its looks like he would have had planty of room to execute a right hand turn , it looks to me that he’d traveled in the same direction as the line of traffic . His position is all wrong for him to be doing a right hand turn . If thats the case it looks to be pilot error and nothing to do with the overlength trailer .
Saw this story on the local website, and just had to post it here(I have been round that r/b in an artic hundreds of times, it’s not that tight) …
You have 360 turned that roundabout hundreds of times? Im amazed you haven’t dug a hole to china
There is no road from the left which is where it looks like he has initially come from, so the only other explanation is he is trying to do a 360 turn which is suicide on a mini roundabout.