Another Rumour!

So here it is…

Stobarts are building a massive center in the Birtley area as they have a huge Tesco contract.

Or it’s Tesco that are building the huge depot in the same area.

Either way, Stobarts are about to start recruiting for it locally.

I’ve emailed Stobarts, but no reply as yet.

Does anyone know if this is true?

Or is it a case of Bovine Testicles?

dont know about that rumour but try pm’ing conor maybe he can have a word and find out for you.
i would have thought the new goole yard would have covered that area or even doncaster.

We’ve heard they’re building one on Teesport, next door to the ASDA Import Centre and at least the same size if not bigger… There is also talk of a railhead going in over the road from us, as our warehouse and DC Freight (which is in their yard) have to move to make way for it… The connection being that it’s all part of the latest phase of expansion down there… The car terminal may well be getting the boot as TCT2 is running out of room thanks to our massive expansion and MSC (Medite as was) growing their use of it too… We no longer fit in our yard and have had to rent parking back from the same car terminal for now… And there is a shiny new PD Ports sign on the way into the dock saying that they are “Passionate” about it as of this week. Don’t know if any of that helps shed any light… :open_mouth:

In summary. Teesport is expanding over the next few years. A lot. So if any of the Tesco rumours are true, the Teesport one is most likely to be “the one”. :wink:

Bovine testicles. Are you for real?

Which one of us Dazza?

Im not sure Conor will be on the top three most trusted people with a Stobart secret :smiley:

Wheel Nut:
Im not sure Conor will be on the top three most trusted people with a Stobart secret :smiley:

I thought that too :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Conor was sacked from them months ago for his attitude so he’ll be the last person to know. :open_mouth:


Paul Hoggard:
Conor was sacked from them months ago for his attitude so he’ll be the last person to know. :open_mouth:

honestly i thought he was the yard shunter at the goole depot :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: has he kept that quiet or have i missed something. :confused: :confused: :confused:

by the way what have i missed with dazza and also i see paul hoggart has had his posting rights suspended. :confused: :confused: :confused:


:open_mouth: Don’t sit on the fence man, speak your mind :laughing:

I’m not sure what I have said, but the way I’ve been edited me makes me look stupid. I’ve been on and off this site for many a year now, and every now and then a jumped-up Mod tries to make a name for themselves and slap me down (not Lucy, she’s plays with a straight bat).

Which post has gone missing Daz? I only ask because I’ve not seen one, certainly haven’t removed one, and there isn’t one in the Shed (which is where removed posts go) either. :confused:

I know I’ve had occasions in the past where I’ve not submitted something because my wireless dropped at the wrong moment or something similar…Maybe that’s what’s happened? I genuinely have no light to shed on anything having been taken out of the thread. :confused:

Maybe repost below?

I’m not sure what I have said, but the way I’ve been edited me makes me look stupid. I’ve been on and off this site for many a year now, and every now and then a jumped-up Mod tries to make a name for themselves and slap me down (not Lucy, she’s plays with a straight bat).

you sure you remembered to post it, there’s no record of an edit in the mods forum :confused: :confused: :confused:

The post by Ady1 that was here was off topic and has been moved to the Feedback forum.

Well I won’t claim my broadband connection doesn’t do some weird things now and again. What I said was not important. To be honest I can’t remeber how I worded it, but it was a reference to matchbox’s Bovine testicles remark.

Anyway no harm done, I’d had a busy week and Trucknet just happened to be in the way.

Well I won’t claim my broadband connection doesn’t do some weird things now and again. What I said was not important. To be honest I can’t remeber how I worded it, but it was a reference to matchbox’s Bovine testicles remark.

Anyway no harm done, I’d had a busy week and Trucknet just happened to be in the way.

Is it this one Dazza ?

Bovine testicles. Are you for real?

Just above this one ?

Which one of us Dazza?

Or was there another post of yours with a reference to Bovine Testicles ?

There was another, but it doesn’t matter.

It’s Red Moss all the way for me from now on.

Bovine Testicles.


Bulls ■■■■■■■■.

Would not Male Bovine Detritus be a better description :stuck_out_tongue: